Global Patient narrates his sage after having his high quality and low cost liver transplant India

3 min readSep 22, 2018


This is Julia from Africa. Life turns a big mess when it comes to ailments like liver dysfunction. My liver was about turn dysfunctional when I got my low cost liver transplant India, which was all due to the top medical tourism company like Forerunners Group from India. I went all the way to this place to get rid of the ailment seeking the help of one of the best liver transplant specialists in India. It wasn’t that easy for me to decide to fly but I had barely any other option in my home country. We still live in the same old world where we have access to only small time medical treatment options. However, this means for advanced procedures, the people in my place or country have to plan a visit to other nations that cater high quality healthcare services. So, when I came to know that I require an organ transplant surgery, I then had limited options before me.

Julia from Africa get liver transplant surgery in India

People often going out for any healthcare services think first about the US and the UK or any other country in the west. However, the cost is high for the high quality healthcare services and accessing it becomes next to impossible. So with little options in the west, I had to turn my direction to east and with a bit of research I found that there is a huge difference between the nations at the west and one in the east. I soon realized that Indian hospitals are the best as I can easily get the best liver transplant specialists in India promising quality. And the best part is the affordability element, which makes low cost liver transplant India an affordable option to consider. I was convinced that India is the right place for me, however, I took time to discuss with others as well. I found a few people who had gone for the various treatments including the organ transplant seeking the help of top doctors and liver transplant specialists in India.

You have the option of Weekly withdrawals. With further research, I came in touch with several medical tourism companies that offered good packages and with careful comparison, I found out the right group that promised competitive and low cost liver transplant India packages. The group had one of the best hospitals and liver transplant specialists in India. The group took a bit of time to find out a donor and soon informed me about the same. Later, I applied for my medical visa and considering my emergency, I got the visa instantly and the very next day I booked my tickets to reach to India. I reached Delhi with some nervousness but when I found the man waiting for me, I took sigh of relief. While on the way to hotel, I asked about the arrangements and found out that things were in proper order.

My meeting with the doctor was scheduled the same day and he was among the top liver transplant specialists in India who was known for his higher success rate. My meeting with him was fruitful and I got the confidence that I could get a second chance to my life. And soon my surgery for scheduled at the hospital, which proved me a high quality and low cost liver transplant India. Thanks to the hospital staff and medical professionals who are mostly among the top liver transplant specialists in India, more and more global patients are heading to Indian hospitals for these surgeries. My surgery was a big success and with few days to stay for my recovery, I returned home. I thank the doctor and his team along with others who made things easy for me. Thank you all!

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