Treat Your Psoriasis from Ayurvedic Remedy

Forest Infusion
3 min readMar 9, 2020


Ayurvedic Remedy For Psoriasis

If you are dealing with itchy, uncomfortable patches of psoriasis, you aren’t alone. This relatively usual skin condition can flare up at any time and leave discomfort in its wake. Relief can come in many types, from essential oils to medications to light therapy. Forest infusion manufacture several products for psoriasis. All products are 100% natural and organic.

Essential oils are normally inhaled in a diffuser. Essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil before installing it to the skin. Essential oils must not be consumed.

Forest Infusion Psoriasis Ayurvedic oil:

Forest Infusion produces the Ayurvedic Psoriasis oil for psoriasis patients. Seeing people suffering from psoriasis Forest Infusion mixed many organic herbs in this psoriasis oil. Psoriasis patients can apply easily to the affected area without any side affected.

Herbs mixed in psoriasis oil by Forest Infusion.

· Neem leaves fresh (Azadirachta Indica)

· Tulsi seeds (Ocimum sanctum)

· Manjishtha (Rubiacordifolia)

· Haldi (Curcuma longa)

· Linseed oil (Linumusitatissimum)

· Wheat germ oil (Triticumsativum)

· Menthol (Mentha Piperita)

· Neem oil (Azadirachta Indica)

· Tea tree oil (Melaleucaalternifolia)

· Anar leaves fresh (Punicagranatum)

· Chameli oil (Jasminumofcinale)

· Karanj oil (Caesalpiniabonducella)

· Mustard oil (Brassica campestris)

Buy forest infusion psoriasis ayurvedic oil here.

The dry patches of skin you get with psoriasis may be itchy and uncomfortable, but the right remedy can help.

Forest infusion made ayurvedic psoriasis cream from 6000 years of the Ayurveda formulation. You can apply to the psoriasis area without any side affected. We combined many Indian herbs in this cream.

You can get some over the counter at the medical store, but you will require a prescription for others. It may take time to find what works best for you.

Herbs mixed in psoriasis cream by Forest Infusion.

· Mahua bark (Madhuca Indica)

· Manjishtha (Rubiacordifolia)

· Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

· Aloe (Aloe Barbadensis)

· Zinc oxide

· Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia Chinensis)

· Calendula Oil (Calendula Officinalis)

· Neem Oil (Azadirachta Indica)

· Matricaria Oil (Matricaria chamomilla)

· Lavender Oil (Lavandula Officinalis)

· Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca leucadendron)

· Coconut (Cocos Nucifera)

· Olive oil (Olea Europaea)

Buy forest infusion psoriasis ayurvedic cream here.

You can completely get rid of Psoriasis only by cleaning up the body internally of toxins and waste that cause it. The Forest infusion Ayurvedic Psoriasis Capsule does precisely that. The Psoriasis Ayurvedic Capsules are useful in clearing the defects in our body, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Herbs mixed in psoriasis capsules/tablets by Forest Infusion.

· Polypodiumleucotomos (Caligula)

· Rubiacordifolia (Manjishtha)

· Azadirachta Indica (Neem leaves)

· Balsamodendronmukul (Guggul)

· Leucascephalotes (Dronpushpi)

· Cassia tora (Panvadbeej)

· Momordicacharantia (Karela)

· Curcuma longa (Haldi)

· Tinosporacordifolia (SatvaGiloy)

· Psoraliacorylifolia (Bawachi seeds)

Buy forest infusion psoriasis ayurvedic capsules/tablets here.

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes skin symptoms like painful and sometimes itchy patches of raised, shiny or silvery, thickened skin.

On white skin, they may be reddish. On black skin, the patches may be violet or purple.

Psoriasis isn’t contagious and does not evolve due to poor hygiene. However, treating mild psoriasis with moisturizing creams, lotions, and special soaps may assist relieve skin symptoms.

Using forest infusion psoriasis ayurvedic soap. Psoriasis soap removes and repairs your dead skin. Psoriasis Ayurvedic Soap is designed to take care of your specific skin concerns.

Herbs mixed in psoriasis soap by Forest Infusion:

· Dead Sea Mud

· Activated Bamboo Charcoal

· Chamomile Oil

· Lavender Oil

· Peppermint Oil

· Willow Bark Extract

· Ammi Majus Extract

· Evening Primrose Oil

· Soap Base

Buy forest infusion psoriasis ayurvedic soap here.



Forest Infusion

Forest Infusion providing Psoriasis Ayurvedic cream, soap, oil and capsules who suffering by psoriasis.