Forest Roembke
7 min readJun 7, 2015



Sometimes in my life I am confused….i don’t know where to go…what to do….and most specially there is so much vagueness…lots of queries…asking..what and how….how do these nature appear in the world…is it really true what they called “DARWIN’S THEORY”????…I believed in my God JESUS CHRIST…BUT STILL I ASKED QUESTIONS….how..and why?…and where will i go?..they said that if u believe in Him..don’t ask questions coz He is perfect…

Sometimes i want to be alone in my life …to live in an island of nowhere…i want to dig nature changes each day on each own….and i was thinking living in this island …gives me a lot of answers in my queries…

To reflect is always what i do….in my innermost feelings…deeper and deeper..digging how and why is it that sometimes i don’t like people….i don’t like crowds…i want to be from pressures and stress….i have done all what i do in the society…i served a lot of people for the last so many years years i spent in my life …from the time immemorial…i was already in service for people….no more no less…i want to have my early retirement and hide as much as possible from people….

Talking to people in a social media …i can talk as long as i am the manager of my time…i want to enjoy the luxury of my time…i am feed up of pressures and having a boss in my life….for the meantime that is how i felt…being alone serves my purpose…i am talkative by nature i think……vocal….transparent and frank…not necessarily honest…i have white lies also… to speak…i am funny..i love to laugh..make jokes which is not done purposely…just out from my mouth and utter words …do the gesture naturally…and people laugh at me…am i laughable??…do my face looks like a clown?…i am again confuse why i made people laugh even it’s not my intention to make them laugh they just laugh at me at the end of my story….hmmmm…

How can i refuse this place???….so paradise….this is what i want…i want to be alone…right??…so this is it…here we go……

This is my cousin Mano Edgar from Dallas,Texas….he is the owner of this island…a 55,000 sq. meter island….wow!!…he bought this island year 2005….and now here we are!!!!..….yepeeeyyy!!…i love my cousin…not because he owned the island…but because of his behaviour..he is generous..kind..good and most specially a humble man….i salute to people who are humble and generous….not necessarily a Philanthropist…..hehehehe…

Looking at the other side of the island which u can just walk and cross in the center of the island…just 100 meters away from the other seashore…i felt so enchanted….looking at the water…my dirty mind….start to imagine and fantasise what if i will swim and walk everyday in this warm sea water naked……hahahahaha..why not?..the sun is shining…the sea water is warm…it’s a blue sky…white clean fine sand….clean and clear sea water that u almost forgot it is salty and u wanted to drink it…and nobody there….i’m all alone ….so be free…yes???…to be free is one of my wishes in life….hahahha…what is wrong with being naked??? an island of nowhere?….ooppsss!!..


To start the journey to the island…we have to wake up 4a.m to prepare to the 6a.m land trip from Mainit..the residence of my cousins then to Hayanggabon port….we are all excited….the van cost 3,000 pesos from Mainit to Hayanggabon port and vice versa…the trip was 2 hours ….an exclusive trip for 6 of us including the driver of the van from Mainit to Hayanggabon port…the driver of the van just waited for us in Hayanggabon paying a 20 pesos parking fee in the port area parking lot…

Bon voyage!….i am going now….going to the island of paradise..nobody is stopping me now….brrooooooommmm5x…..ready get set gooooo….hey Mr. pumpboat driver….do u know where we are going??…yeah!!! Kingstone private island beach….oh yeah!!! what are we waiting for?….go …go …go…

Wait darling…we have company….hahahaha…the boat which has the capacity of 10 persons will bring as to the island named Bucas Grande….(which means open big-big opening from the pacific….)

After 45 minutes of sailing..finally we reach our destination….the motorized boat we ride cost us 3,500 for a two way trip to bring us to my cousin’s island “Kingstone Private Beach”or in short KPV….along with the driver of the boat and my cousin’s KPV caretaker Taloy a councilor of the last barangay of Socorro…San Roque….and they called this island “BAGJUHON” we manage to arrive the island safely…..thank u Lord!..


That is one of my question….as we stayed here..we linger..we go up the 2 hills…eating…etc…etc…if i will stay here for a longer period of time….can i really stay here alone …no malls…no night life…no restaurants…etc. etc..and so i said..since i am a lover of nature….i think nothing can replace my love for this….but i am only a human being capable of longing for someone to love…and be with..hug..and kisses etc. etc. which a true feelings of love can do with each other….love …love …love….we found love…hehehehe..i remember someone is singing a song like that…but nevertheless…..some people say “I AM ALONE AND NEVER FELT LONELY”…….it contradicts to what other people say..”NO MAN IS AN ISLAND…..

Of course the food should not be forgotten…”EAT ALL U CAN”…GUYS….LET’S EAT………NYAAAAMM!!..BUURRRPP3X….

After eating…full stomach …what can u do….so…hagoooorrrkkk!!!…zzzzzzz….zzzzzz….relaxation time…siesta time…

It is now the time to go home…..along our way back home we passed by some undiscovered beach of Bucas visit this island is to discover a world hidden in a labyrinthine terrain,a world where hilly and rounded islets,each covered in thick evergreen ,dominate the landscape…..bye bye Bucas Grande….soon i will come back and buy one of this undiscovered island here……”HASTA LA VISTA BABY!!…mwaahh!!!…

This is our destination going back home …this is the mainland…our home….we arrive 5p.m and our driver of the van is already waiting for us in the port area terminal of Hayanggabon…i drop by in the municipality of Bad-as where i have to ride a bus…going back to the city where i belong….it is a 45 minutes ride in a bus to the city…. when i arrived to the bus terminal in the city..i just ride a( multicab pier terminal) this is what we called here for the word jeepney for only 9 pesos to the luneta..or park of the city then ride a tricycle way back home for only 7 pesos… was 6:30p.m when i finally got home….and zzzzzzzzzzz……it’s a nice and beautiful memory having fun and adventure in the island…and i realized that’s why our place is called “THE CITY OF ISLAND ADVENTURE”……THAT’S ALL…I THANK YOU!!!…