BlockOptions (BOPT) — Using BlockChain To Create A Fair And Transparent Binary Trading Platform

3 min readSep 2, 2017


What is BlockOptions?

BlockOptions is an ERC 20 token that aims to revolutionise trading through the creation of a fairer, more transparent and efficient binary trading platform.

Key Advantages of BlockOptions over current Binary Trading Platforms:

BlockOptions has several key advantages over rival trading platforms that will allow it to rise to the top of its industry.

Not rigged against traders: Arguably the biggest issue facing traders is the fairness of the game. Currently, binary trading platforms are a zero sum game between the broker and trader, with many illegal price manipulation methods being used to create an unfair advantage to the broker. In many ways, parallels can be drawn with the relationship between gambler and house in a casino, as in both cases it is impossible to achieve long term positive ROI. The issue of price manipulation is solved with BlockOptions as prices are fetched directly from the smart contract, thus no external tampering can be done.

Deposit + Withdrawal Speed Much Faster: On normal binary trading platforms, withdrawals can take weeks to be approved and a further few days to be sent to your bank account/ payment processor. With BlockOptions platform, both deposits and withdrawals are processed immediately, taking a matter of seconds to appear in your wallet.

Funds Cannot Be Taken: Money is locked in ETH blockchain, thus it is impossible for funds to be stolen. There have been numerous cases of unsustainable platforms shutting down, subsequently running away with funds. Also, it is important to note that blockchain technology is run on a public ledger, thereby all transactions can be viewed, improving transparency considerably. It would be very easy for your average joe to find out if any suspicious transactions have occurred.

Lower Transaction Fees: Transaction fees are significantly lower with BlockOptions. For more information on why this is the case you can read their whitepaper here: (

Dividends: Money is allocated to investors from the fees collected trading on the platform. This creates a source of passive income for investors, allowing for the development of long term intrinsic value.

Key Dates:

The sale will be operating from 25th August — 25th September, however, it’s important to note that the ending date could be much sooner depending on how fast the hard cap is reached.


At the moment, many traders view binary options as a form of pure gambling with no guaranteed way of having a long term edge. This is mainly because it remains a zero sum game between the brokers and traders, thus tactics such as price manipulation are used to keep the broker in business. On top of this, funds can take days if not weeks to be transferred and there is always the risk of money being stolen.

In my opinion, BlockOptions will solve all of the above and separates itself from ponzi Binary trading schemes, allowing it to take a big chunk of the current market share. Traders will flock to BlockOptions once they realise that it is superior to traditional binary trading platforms in every conceivable way.

I will definitely be investing in the ICO and adding this token to my portfolio. The fact that it adds innovation to a multi billion industry, is enough reason to invest for me. There is still time to get a healthy 10–20% discount in tokens if you invest in the next 14 days.

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