We’ve Built a IoT Blockchain 4.0 Platform to Revolutionize Health & Medical Industry

hao huang
2 min readOct 19, 2018

Xentimentum (https://xentimentum.com/) is a blockchain that effectively complements both reliability and scalability among the myriad of IoT devices, and have the solutions applicable to the above issues. In particular, Xentimentum provides a platform for interaction of IoT medical devices that must be used in order to be used in connection with blockchain technology. These Xentimentum platform can be applied in the field of health care, where practicality is a priority, enabling numerous devices to connect and exchange data at high speed in real time, and keeping personal medical data safe and transparent from the risk of hacking.

Use in Medical Case

1) Self diagnosis of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

2) Emergency monitoring such as arrhythmia

3) Analysis of sleep/ health/ exercise patterns through Smart Watch and developing Big Data

Use in actual hospitals

1) Visiting Major hospital due to serious illnesses and emergencies

2) Patient Care

3) Diagnosis Aid

4) Patient Tracking

Use in sharing medical information

It is possible to access accurate and objective medical information when constructing big data by an application combining IoT.

DAG Consensus Algorithm

Xentimentum uses DAG consensus algorithm, as a way to connect block chains more quickly and effectively. This DAG algorithm has a high degree of freedom and scalability not only in directionality but also eliminates unnecessary circulation and has a low commission.

Blockchain Optimization System

Xentimentum, which is directly connected to the safety of users and deals with important information, is always updated and designed to evolve.

Optimal Results Derivation and Prediction System Utilizing Medical Device Results

Xentimentum statistically analyzes the data by using the functional data derived from the medical device. By using AI technology to analyze infinite samples, this will lead to future developments. When the number of derived data increases, highly reliable results are obtained.

Sharing Medical Information

Xentimentum provides an accurate and objective medical information for doctors when constructing big data by combining IoT applications.

Multi-Layer Blockchains

Xentimentum consists of three layers, based on side-chain and cross-chain communication, enabling faster and more accurate block chain operation

