Forgotten Question (Ch:3 P:2)

New Sage
6 min readSep 18, 2022

Mature content doth be below. I try to keep it reasonable, but the nature of the subject doesn’t make it necessarily easy to accomplish. So consider this the warning. Language and Gore follow. It isn’t a blood-fest, however.

[Book Index]

Bronski glanced around him at the scene he had first visited a few hours ago. His practiced eye spotted the nearest sentry with ease. He was nervous about how this ‘partner’ would do, but he knew there was little he could do if things got ugly.

That was the nature of war.

He strode over to where the sentry was holed up, and Ames followed along like some decorative poodle walking into a kennel of rabid dogs.


The man saluted in a crisp, practiced fashion, “Activity inside the structure sir. We have multiple entities moving around. James is the best at spotting, and he thinks there are at least three inside.”

“It’s four.” Bronski cursed the words as he thought about what had happened to the family inside of that house. As his mind wandered, he returned the salute.

After finishing the salute, the sentry relayed what Bronski had said into a small radio pickup. After that, he gestured over Bronski’s shoulder, “Who’s the Greenie? Reinforcements?”

Bronski snorted, “Just a tag along. The IG wants to make sure there are at least two people in the police department who are in the know when he dies.”



New Sage

Building Better Worlds. Random and chaotic. My social media presence is about something so specific it looks like nothing at all.