User Q&A: How Do I Not Mess Up My First Wedding Gig?

Chris Romans
4 min readNov 13, 2019

The question…

Hey! I just booked my first wedding this upcoming Friday and I’m scared of messing it up. Client said it’s about an hour session, 7–10 people, nothing fancy or big. Pictures are being taken in a local park. I’m going tomorrow to scout out the park and get an idea of what I like and see how the client feels about it. Any tips to help calm my nerves? About how many pictures would you deliver in an hour long shoot?

Also should note that it would be around 11am (direct sunlight?). I have a flash and feel comfortable using it to fill but would it be worth it to buy and practice with a reflector before the wedding?

Our answer…

There are definitely many things to keep in mind here, let’s go through each one by one.

Wedding Photography Tips (to Calm the Nerves)

The good news is: this does not sound like a traditional wedding by any means. Given you will just be shooting for an hour, we’d imagine you are not going to be facing the difficulties of shooting in multiple locations, handling bride & groom prep, or night reception photos.

This will likely be relatively easy as far as wedding days go.



Chris Romans

I co-run Formed From Light, and am one half of the husband-and-wife team that makes up Hand + Arrow Photography. Blogs at FFL: