Interview: Click & Learn Photography — Landscape Photographer & BloggerI met Alex Wrigley online earlier this year and we got to talking about our photography websites. In time, this led to a number of…Nov 22, 2019Nov 22, 2019
Case Study: How Do Wedding Photographers Get Clients?We previously wrote a Medium story for photography business beginners answering the question…”How do photographers get clients?” This…Nov 22, 2019Nov 22, 2019
User Q&A: Who Would Be the Main Client for Landscape Photography?This Medium story will be short-and-sweet. Over on our website post Beginner’s Guide: How Do Photographers Get Clients? I received this…Nov 11, 20191Nov 11, 20191
How to Take Glorious Golden Hour Couple’s Portraits (Exclusive Examples!)Dreaming of taking amazingly beautiful photos for a couple in love that are a little moody, romantic, and drenched in sun light and color…Nov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
Top 10 Free Photography Editing Software in 2019TOP 10 FREE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITING SOFTWARENov 7, 20191Nov 7, 20191
Strobe Flash vs Continuous Lighting: Which One is Best for Me?For many photographers, when faced with a dark or otherwise less-than-ideal shooting environment, they will want to bring along their own…Oct 31, 2019Oct 31, 2019
15 Insightful Tips to Help You Choose a Wedding Photographer (from a Pro Photographer!)Once you have squared away your wedding date and venue, the next thing most couples start to look into is their wedding photographer.Oct 31, 2019Oct 31, 2019
Natural Light Photography: The Photo Industries Biggest LieOn the surface, a person who describes their style as a “natural light photographer” has most likely given some thought to how they want…Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019