iOS Development Journey — From Zero to App

Small Business Forum
2 min readSep 28, 2016

Many people dream of having the ability to develop something on the computer — specifically developing an app for your mobile phone. What I am doing is taking action and learning iOS development so I can begin my iOS development journey, or iDev Journey as I call it.

This iDev Journey is me tracking my progress in iOS development via YouTube. Going from learning iOS development, to developing an iOS application and turning that app into a business. We are already 7 episodes in and counting. I am not going to stop anytime soon, despite of my hectic schedule of having an 8–5 job and being a full-time university student.

If you have ever wanted to develop an iOS app, or any app for that matter, I invite you to create it as I create mine. I will encourage you to finish and I hope you encourage me! Also since I’m a bit rusty, I will be refreshing my brain in the realm of iOS development before creating my app by creating simpler apps.

We are currently discussing and learning through a Udemy iOS 10 course and I am really enjoying it. Luckily, I already have a Computer Science and C++ background so it’s a bit easier for me to understand what’s going on than when I tried 2–3 years ago.

I really look forward to sharing this experience with y’all and I hope you decide to join me on this journey! If you do, be sure to let me know and what your plans are. Are you developing an app as well? I want to get to know each and every one of my fellow iOS developers-in-training.


Forrest Knight

YouTube Channel

