Levent blames 2018 Sharon Springs battle for 2022 high density zoning blowback

Forsyth Homeowners
2 min readMay 18, 2022


The failed 2018 Sharon Springs city hood movement is a relic of Forsyth County history — all of the signs are gone, the website has been taken down, the Facebook group dissolved — but the ghost of Sharon Springs lives on as a scapegoat for all things plaguing beleaguered County Commissioner Todd Levent.

Responding to questions as to why he changed the Forsyth County land use map to allow ultra high density zonings off Mullinax and Fowler Roads in the County, Levent blamed the never formed city of Sharon Springs, his constituents, and a State Representative.

Levent never did address why he changed the land use map, a process he began just 21 days after a company was formed that would ultimately apply for the newly allowed high density zoning in West Forsyth County.

He did, however, explain his opposition to Sharon Springs in 2018 “This continued when I explained law enforcement, Court rooms (sic) to hear city ordinances and municipal traffic case (sic) along with any city establishment after 2015 would be responsible for their own roads. Once again they argued and pretended it was not true trying to Deceive (sic) the public in to (sic) getting their votes in favor of the city of Sharon Springs.” Levent said.

He closed with a warning about those who spoke out against the high density zoning, “No (sic)their motivations, know their true agenda, and don’t let them manipulate the way you think.”

Neighbors, however, are confused as to how this all came about. “We just want to know why he changed the map, and he refuses to answer that simple question, instead he attacks us”, one homeowner said. “This change allows the density to double in this area of West Forsyth. The surrounding character area does not support hundreds of town homes, which is what this application proposes.”

The homeowner also commented on what he referred to as “the Levent sales pitch”, which he described as Commissioner Levent trying to convince the community to accept this development, despite their concerns. “He is trying to sell this zoning by comparing it to Vickery. Vickery has 1/3 the town homes as this proposal. Vickery is 20% lower density than this proposal. Vickery was designed and built by world class developers and architects. Vickery had entirely different architectural standards. This proposal is nothing like Vickery, it’s not even a distant cousin, and the Commissioner knows it.”

A campaign sign during the 2018 Sharon Springs ballot referrendum.

