How to get a snowball launcher in Fortnite

Hot Guides Hub
2 min readAug 17, 2021

Winterfest has come into line Fortnite, which means there are new challenges. If you have already searched the stocking stock in the Winterfest hut, then you should be in the second part of the challenge, which consists of inflicting 200 damage to the opponents with the snowball launcher.

Fortunately, it’s easy to get your hand on a snowball launcher. The snowball launchers can fall from any standard chest of the game, so all you have to do is run around looting, like any other match. It’s not exactly a current drop, so you may need to loot a lot of chests to get their hands.

Some important things to know about the snowball launcher are that it inflicts significant damage to the effect area and that it is fast enough to recharge. Be very careful when using this weapon inside or near an enemy, because you will undergo large amounts of damage if you are caught in the explosion radius. He will shoot two shots on any enemy without shield taken in the explosion and should take care of someone with a shield in a few extra shots. The size of the explosion is large and you can get away with a pretty terrible goal.

If you want to accumulate the damage quickly, it’s a good idea to pull snowballs in the middle of the bands fighting. If you are afraid to be quickly shot by a return shot, wait for them to cut themselves a little bit of the health bars, and then launch these snow bombs.

And that’s all. It really does not really need to finish this challenge and win your Grumbly Night loading screen.



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