Test Prep Guide: High School Test Prep Calendar

Forum E
Forum Education Guidebooks
1 min readMar 2, 2018

by Thomas Howell and David Phelps, Founders
thomas@forumeducation.nyc | david@forumeducation.nyc

To see the full guide to Test Prep, go here.

Freshman Year

October: Some schools administer unofficial PSATs

February-March: Begin prep for SAT II Biology, if feasible

June: Take SAT II Biology, if feasible

Sophomore Year

August: Native language speakers should prep for language SAT IIs with listening

October: Official PSATs that don’t count

November: Native speakers should take language SAT IIs with listening

November-February: Take ACT and SAT diagnostics and apply for extra time, if relevant

February: Depending on diagnostic results and target, begin ACT/SAT test prep

Junior Year

August: Intensive ACT/SAT prep (when students typically see their greatest gains)

Fall: Late point to begin ACT/SAT prep

October: Official PSATs that count

November: Native speakers should take language SAT IIs with listening

December: Aim to finish ACT/SAT prep

February-March: Begin prep for SAT IIs with diagnostics, wrap ACT/SAT if needed

June: Take SAT IIs, possibly take ACT/SAT for last time

Senior Year

October: Last chance to take ACT for early admission at most schools

November: Last chance to take SAT/SAT IIs for early admission at most schools

December: Last chance to take ACTs and SAT/SAT IIs for regular admission


SATs are typically offered on the first Saturday of Oct, Nov, Dec, March, May, and June.

ACTs are typically offered late Oct. and on the second Saturday of Dec, Feb, April, June, and July.

