Test Prep Guide: Middle School Test Prep Calendar

Forum E
Forum Education Guidebooks
1 min readMar 2, 2018

by Thomas Howell and David Phelps, Founders
thomas@forumeducation.nyc | david@forumeducation.nyc

6th Grade

January: Take Hunter Exam if relevant

7th Grade

Winter: Take ISEE/SSAT diagnostics

February-April: Begin ISEE/SSAT prep

Nb: Starting prep earlier not only gives students a greater opportunity to prepare high-school level material but retain concepts over summer

8th Grade

August: Intensive ISEE/SSAT prep (when students typically see their greatest gains)

October: Begin taking official SSATs (can use as practice). Take HSPT, SHSAT if relevant

November: Take first official ISEE and next official SSAT (can use as practice)

December: Take next official ISEE and SSAT (can use officially)


ISEEs can be taken once between Aug. and Nov., once between Dec. and March, and once between Apr. and July.

SSATs are typically offered once a month between October and April as well as in June.

