Hackmethod June 2017 — Challenges Write Up

Ron Stoner
7 min readJul 1, 2017


Part of the computer security business is keeping your skills sharp and up to date. Especially within the realm of technical knowledge, sometimes knowing is not enough. Getting that raw feeling of interaction with a live system can bring things full circle, and further help to bridge that gap between knowing something and applying something. Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges in virtual server lab environments are a perfect example of maintaining while also increasing security skill sets.

June 2017 — Silly_string

The folks over at Hackmethod ( https://hackmethod.com/ ) run a monthly set of challenges to help those interested in security, and June’s was pretty cool. The June set was aptly named “Silly_string” and comprised of 4 web based challenges, ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced. All of the challenges were located on the same server and each challenge acted as a door into the next one.

The rules were as follows:

Available Tools:None- June’s challenge will be hosted via our servers, but tools required is up to you.- Please DO NOT brute-force the server, it will ban your IP.- It is ok to scan the server. No deep scan is required as there is nothing hidden.- Port 22 and 8080 is all you will see.

Challenge 1 — Website Password

SHA1 the clear-text password to login to:


Example: HM-Chall{P@ssw0rd}

Navigating to the website linked in the challenge description came up with a HTTP login form. Per the website, there was no need to dirbust or SQL inject, so a different way was needed to complete this challenge.

The website running on TCP port 8080

The website itself didn’t respond to many of the usual pokes and prods, so it was time to break out the scanners and see what could be found. Using a web vulnerability scanner it was determined that the website was running the Apache module mod_negotiation, with the MultiViews option enabled. This module can be abused so that file names on the server can be discovered.

Scanner output showing a vulnerable module

The Metasploit auxiliary scanner mod_negotiation_brute makes abusing this vulnerability easy. The scanner runs a predefined set of URLs against the server in order to discover potential file names. A file with the name of functions.js is found and it’s contents are checked.

Finding the functions.js file and checking it’s contents

It appears there is a commented out test function that the original developer left in the code. Inside the function testLogin() we can see credentials for the user larry encoded in base64 format. The base64 password string is decoded on the command line, and the password for larry is revealed.

Decoding larry’s password

The password S7up!d_Curly! is captured and the user can be authenticated through the web application. It appears we’ve completed the first challenge. The captured credentials are encoded according to the challenge rules and submitted for a sweet 10 points. When logging in as the larry user on the web application a clue for the next challenge appears.

Challenge 2 — Web Flag

Get the flag hosted on the website located here:


Per the last step in challenge 1 the goal is now to login as the admin user instead of larry. Since I had access to login as a user, I wanted to check further into how the cookies and sessions for the web server were handled. Running the tamper_data plugin I could tamper cookie data passed to the web server when logged in a user. The variable admin_access was present in the cookie, and set to no. Changing this value to yes allowed me to login as the admin user.

Changing the admin_access flag from ‘no’ to ‘yes’

Changing the variable worked and the admin user was logged in. The webpage now revealed the challenge flag. It was submitted and 15 points were gained.

Beating the challenge

Challenge 3 — U+002F flag.txt

Using the server from Web Flag : find and read flag.txt

SHA1 the flag.

So far all of the challenges were through the same web application on the same server. Now the Hackmethod team challenges us once more, indicating that a flag.txt file located somewhere on the server. Since we’ve already discovered all the files located on the outside facing web sever, this challenge seems a bit tougher. Eventually a clue is released on the Hackmethod forums stating that:

People are acting like they have a case of shellshock from this challenge. o_O

Aha! Shellshock. This should be easy! (I was wrong)

For those not familiar — Shellshock is a software bug within the Linux Bash shell that allowed remote attackers to execute commands. The result was millions of attacks that took place, with a majority happening within a few hour period of the vulnerability being disclosed. The challenge server itself seemed vulnerable to Shellshock, but it was very particular with what characters and payloads it would accept. I tried a variety of payloads and eventually found that the string:

() { test;};echo \"Content-type: text/plain\";echo;echo;{command}

would execute against a script found in the /cgi-bin directory called stats. Stats provided some information that was displayed on the main index page from challenge 1. The method of command delivery was a bit brutal in that the server required absolute paths for all commands entered, and the shellshock payload had to be manually modified and delivered each time a new command was to be run. This made enumerating especially hard and tedious. Thankfully a snippet of code from a RFI shell (Remote File Include), and a bit of python could save the day.

shellshock.sh Bash console script

Using the new Shellshock shell made navigating through the file system a lot quick and easier. /flag.txt was found and it’s contents were revealed, thereby solving the challenge for an additional 20 points, and a clue to the next and final challenge.

Listing the contents of / and finding flag.txt
Using the created Shellshock console to reveal the flag.txt

Challenge 4 — Zippity do dah

Locate the zip file on the same web server from the Web Flag challenge.

Do not move or copy the zip file to any other directory.

Find a way to get it off the server without moving it and then complete the challenge on your own environment.

No tools on the server will unzip or open the file.


The final challenge has to do with a zipfile located somewhere on the server. Since the Shellshock console seems to be working well, it can be used to help locate the zipfile. The Linux “find” command is ran looking for all files with the .zip extension.

Running “find -name ‘*.zip’” to determine zip file locations
Confirming the MD5 hash from the clue at the end of challenge 3

EASYFLAG.zip is found in /home/curly, but the challenge instructions indicate the file should not be moved or unzipped on the server — Interesting. Unfortunately, tools like SCP, netcat, and other file transfer tools either are missing or do not work on the server. The file needs to be transferred a different way. Using base64 a hash can be made of the file’s contents and copied as plain text.

Creating a base64 hash of the zip file

The contents are copied and moved to my attacking server, where base64 can be used again in order to convert the string back into a zipfile.

Using base64 to convert back to a zipfile and extracting the contents

The zipfile appears to have an extra 265 bytes, causing errors during the extraction. While the file REALFLAG.txt does extract (and contains some interesting information), the ponderer in me wanted to fix the zipfile to see if anything else was present. Using the zip command the file and the extra 265 bytes can be fixed, creating a new archive.

Fixing and extracting the new fixed.zip file

Extracting the fixed archive shows two text files — EASYFLAG.txt and REALFLAG.txt

Great, I’ve been trolled by EASYFLAG.txt
Interesting info in REALFLAG.txt

The string located in REALFLAG.txt appears to be what is needed to complete the challenge. Checking the string reveals that it is not Base64, MD5, or SHA1, but HEX data. The data can be converted from HEX into a readable file with the xxd tool. Doing so reveals the flag, gets 25 points, completes Challenge 4, and ends the challenge set for June.

VICTORY! — Revealing the file contents and capturing the flag

