Web page Footer Styling

Fotis Floros
1 min readFeb 11, 2016


Recently while creating a web site I wad stuck again about creating a footer which sticks to the bottom of the web page. It took me again some time to remember how to do it, so I want to share this solution.

The structure of the html code is the following:

<div id=”wrapper”>
Main Website Content…
The content of the footer here!

What we need to do is remove the padding and margin from html and body and set height to 100%

height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;

Let’s style the #wrapper which is going to be the main content of the website

min-height: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden;

Finally let’s style the footer element and we are done

footer{   left: 0px;   bottom: 0px;   width: 100%;   height: 100px;   background-color: red;

In case there is not enough content in the page, then the footer will not stick to the bottom. In that case just add the following at the footer selector:

position: absolute;



Fotis Floros

Full stack developer, Photographer, Cinema enthusiast, coffee lover