Interactive Brokers — API Setup

2 min readApr 11, 2020


We set up our Interactive Brokers API using the following steps.

Visit the Interactive Brokers GitHub page

Agree to the terms, download TWS API Stable for Mac/Unix or Windows and unzip the downloaded file. Follow the unzip instructions at if you are not sure how to do that.

Go to the folder IBJts/source/pythonclient and run python install to install the IB Python library. Also install colorama for color output support. pip install colorama

The IBJts folder is no longer needed but it contains some sample code files in case you want them.

Create a script named and use the following code:

When you run python it will fail because it needs to connect to a running instance of the Trader Workstation (TWS)or IB Gateway. You will also have to allow incoming socket connections in the configuration settings of TWS.

No EClient Found
Simulated Trading Login
Allow Socket Client Connections

You can now run the script again and it should connect without any errors.

You can find the official documentation of the API here

Happy coding!




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