Fresh lick of paint for famous TS Queen Mary

One of Scotland’s most famous turbine steamships has had a fresh lick of paint as work to restore her begins, less than six months after she was towed 700 nautical miles back to Scotland.

Friends of TS Queen Mary
4 min readOct 3, 2016
Greenock, Scotland: The finishing touches to a three-week long paint job are made. Credit: Robert Perry.

Clyde-steamer TS Queen Mary, one of Scotland’s most famous steamships, has had a fresh lick of paint and a clean bill of health, as the first stages of work to restore her begin.

Charity Friends of TS Queen Mary rescued the ship from almost certain demise after she was found languishing in a dockyard on the Thames Estuary, several years after serving as a floating bar and restaurant in London.

Remarkably, the 1930s steamship was given a clean bill of health when she was inspected in dry-dock in September.

Greenock, Scotland: A worker lifts a paint tin. Credit: Robert Perry

The inspection highlighted just minor repair work required on the hull, a testament to the skills and engineering talent of Scotland’s shipbuilders.

In the last three weeks, her hull has been stripped down, carefully coated and repainted in a bright white, deep black and red three-tone traditional colour-scheme. Over the weekend (1–2 October) the ‘Queen Mary’ name was carefully hand-painted onto the ship’s sides once again.

Charity trustee Iain Sim said: “To think just six months ago Queen Mary was languishing on the Thames and now she’s been stripped down, carefully inspected, protected with a specialist coating and repainted. She looks bonnie, spectacular, just cracking. Specialists from Dales Marine and paint manufacturers AkzoNobel and Jotun have done a great job.

“Despite all this work, there’s still a tremendous amount to be done inside before she can be reopened as an interactive exhibitition and an arts and culture venue. That said, this is a fantastic milestone and we’ve demonstrated just what can be done.

“We’re very grateful to people and businesses across the country for their support and donations — every penny counts in our quest to raise £2 million to restore this wonderful piece of Scottish heritage.”

The £2 million fundraising campaign was launched in June by the charity’s patron, Scots actor Robbie Coltrane OBE. The charity has raised £300,000 towards its target so far, enabling this first phase of work.

For more information and to donate to the charity’s campaign, search for Friends of TS Queen Mary.

Greenock, Scotland: TS Queen Mary rests on blocks in dry dock as rain begins to fall. Credit: Robert Perry.
Greenock, Scotland: A worker applies specialist coating to the propellor housing before painting. Credit: Robert Perry.
Greenock, Scotland: TS Queen Mary rests on blocks in dry dock. Credit: Robert Perry.
BEFORE (Greenock, Scotland. Credit: Robert Perry)
AFTER. (Greenock, Scotland. Credit: Robert Perry)

Notes to editors

Interviews with trustees and a tour of the ship for accredited journalists is available on request. Please see contact details below.

About Friends of TS Queen Mary

Charity Friends of TS Queen Mary was set up to rescue, restore and reopen the famous Clyde-built turbine steamship, the Queen Mary. The charity raised £300,000 and rescued her from almost certain demise, towing her 700 nautical miles from London to Greenock in Scotland. A £2 million fundraising campaign was launched in June 2016 to restore and re-open her as an arts and culture venue. The charity is supported by its patron, Scots actor Robbie Coltrane OBE.

History of the TS Queen Mary

The Turbine Steamship (TS) Queen Mary is the last remaining turbine steamship to be built in Scotland. Built in 1933, she once sailed ‘doon the watter’ from Glasgow to destinations such as Dunoon, Rothesay, Millport and Arran. Her place as a national treasure was secured in 1996 when she was listed on the United Kingdom’s official historical ships register and she’s now the last of her kind in the world. In the spring of 1935, at the request of Cunard White Star Line, TS Queen Mary was renamed Queen Mary II, so as to release the name Queen Mary for yard number 534, then under construction at John Brown’s shipyard, in Clydebank.

Friends of TS Queen Mary patron Robbie Coltrane, OBE pictured with TS Queen Mary in June 2016 (prior to external renovation). (Greenock, Scotland. Credit: Ross Easton)

A selection of high-resolution photographs are available for download and use by accredited publications. Credit: Robert Perry.

MEDIA CONTACT — for accredited journalists only, please.
Ross Easton on 07920 190994 and
Please note media support is provided to the charity pro-bono.

Registered charity SC043623.



Friends of TS Queen Mary

A charity working to restore one of Scotland's most famous steamships, TS Queen Mary. Our patron is Robbie Coltrane, OBE. #PrideoftheClyde