System V, Upstart and Systemd

Fouad El Metioui
7 min readApr 24, 2023



System V is a form of Unix operating system that was developed by AT&T Laboratories and first released in 1983. It provides inter-process communication mechanisms (IPC) such as message queues, semaphores, and shared memory. All the gaps in different Unix distributions at the time were merged and published in System V (also called SysV or System Five), which was widely welcomed by the community at the time. The first version was called SRV-1, and four major versions were subsequently released up to SRV-5.

The role of SysV was to launch system service startup scripts one by one, depending on their dependencies. The scripts were stored in specific system file directories, such as /etc/rc.d, and were identified by numbers that indicated their execution order.

The startup process of SysV was relatively simple but could be slow, as each service had to be launched sequentially, which could take a long time in complex systems with many services and dependencies. Additionally, SysV had limitations in terms of managing service state. It was not capable of autonomously handling service failures, which could lead to startup errors or dependency problems between services.

System V is a classic implementation of the “init” command used in Linux-based operating systems. The “init” command is the first process that is started when booting a Linux-based operating system.

The main purpose of init is to start and stop essential system processes. There are three main implementations of init in Linux: System V, Upstart, and systemd.

Sys V starts and stops processes sequentially, so if you want to start a service named foo-a long before foo-b can work, you need to make sure that foo-a is already running. Sys V does this with scripts, which start and stop services for us. We can write our own scripts, or most of the time use those already integrated into the operating system and used to load essential services.

When using Sys V, the state of the machine is defined by runlevels, which range from 0 to 6. These different modes vary depending on the distribution, but most of the time resemble the following:

0 : Halt : the system is completely shut down and cannot be used. Services are not active and all processes have been stopped.

1: Single user mode : This mode is used to troubleshoot the system. It allows only one user connection and network services are not active. It is used to perform maintenance or recovery tasks in console mode.

2: Multiuser : This mode allows multiple user connections, but the network is not yet available. It is often used for troubleshooting or to perform system maintenance updates.

3:Text Mode : This mode is similar to the previous mode, but the network is active. It is often used as the default state for servers that need to be accessible via the network.

4:Unused : This state is reserved for future use and has no specific functionality.

5:Graphical Mode : This state is similar to Mode 3, but it also includes a GUI for users. It is often used as the default state for desktop computers.

Change runlevel

init is the program responsible for altering the run level which can be called using telinit command.

For example, to change a runlevel from 3 to runlevel 5 which will actually allow the GUI to be started in multi-user mode the **telinit** command can be used as:

/*using telinit to change runlevel from 3 to 5*/

telinit 5

NOTE : The changing of runlevels is a task for the super user and not the normal user that’s why it is necessary to be logged in as super user for the successful execution of the above telinit command or you can use sudo


Upstart replaces traditional System-V init.d-style startup scripts. However, upstart is more than just a collection of startup scripts.

It allows for careful planning and control of the start-up of the various daemons. For example, to automount network drives, you first need a working network.

Whereas before startup these situations often led to race conditions, in the startup statement the precondition of a running network can be included.

Upstart is actually based on an event monitoring system. When a certain hardware condition occurs or another process sends an event, one or more startup scripts can be triggered.

This makes it possible, for example, to automatically trigger particular actions when a USB key is inserted or removed.

Canonical’s solution to the slow boot process was Upstart. This init system was originally created for Ubuntu, but was designed to work with any distribution. Upstart solves problems with dependencies and starting processes in parallel using an “event-based greedy” model. This greatly relieves the burden on the administrator, as Upstart is able to determine the best sequence in which to load processes. “Greedy” means that Upstart runs all jobs as soon as possible based on “events”. Events occur when a process has finished starting, and then processes that depend on it will be able to run.

So Upstart rushes to start as many processes as possible until all available processes are running, but some services may actually not be used in a typical session. It could be argued that starting all available services and daemons at startup is wasteful.


Systemd is the init system adopted by all the latest Linux distributions. Like Upstart, it is event-based, which makes its operation flexible and dynamic. It allows a parallel start of processes with a very fine management of dependencies.

It can even restart a process that has stopped by mistake, manage task scheduling, system logs, devices and more.

The role of **systemd** in the Linux boot process is to coordinate the start of system services. This is a process for managing system services that allows them to be launched in parallel to speed up startup and to manage their status in real time.

Instead of running sequential scripts to start each service, systemd uses configuration files to describe service dependencies and order them appropriately. Then it starts them in parallel and manages their state in real time, which helps ensure a more stable and faster system.

Over the past year, most Linux server OSS have moved to SystemD. SystemD is a smarter way to start services because the service starts automatically when needed. To manage services in SystemD, use SystemCTL, followed by the action you want to perform on the service, then the service name. An example of a SystemCTL command is SystemCTL Status Httpd .

Un exemple de disponibilité du service Linux surveillé avec SystemCTL.

Because systemd connects directly to the journald logging service, systemctl displays more detailed information about the current state of the service. While the “service httpd status” command only indicates whether the service is running or not, “systemctl status httpd” provides information about the actual status of the service.

It’s easy to use systemctl to start and stop services. For example, use “systemctl start httpd” to start the httpd service, or “systemctl stop httpd” to stop it.

Systemd eliminates runlevels. To administer the services, simply indicate to the server whether the service should be available or not using the commands “systemctl enable service_name” or “systemctl disable service_name”. For example, if your web server needs to be available after a server restart, use “systemctl enable httpd”.

The difference between systemV , upstart and systemD

SystemV (SysV) is an old init system that dates back to the original Unix.

Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon that handles starting tasks and services on boot, stopping them on shutdown, and monitoring them while the system is running. ‘execution.

Systemd is a new system that many Linux distributions are turning to. It was designed to provide faster boot times, better dependency management, and more.

Systemd manages startup processes through .service files.

SystemV manages startup processes via shell scripts in /etc/init*.

- If you start and stop things using systemctl restart sshd etc. you are on a Systemd system.
- If you start and stop things using etc/init.d/sshd start etc. you are on a System V system. Many older versions of Systemd distributions were System V

Performance: Upstart is faster than System V at starting processes at system startup. This is due to the way Upstart handles events and processes in parallel.

Easier configuration: Upstart configuration is simpler than System V. Upstart uses natural language configuration files, making them easier for system administrators to understand.

Flexibility: Upstart is more flexible than System V. It allows processes to be managed in a more granular way, which means system administrators can control individual processes rather than managing them all at once.

Crash detection: Upstart is able to detect process crashes and restart them automatically, which can reduce system downtime



This article explains the differences between System V, Upstart, and Systemd, which are init systems for Linux-based operating systems. System V is a classic init system that launches system service startup scripts one at a time, while Upstart and Systemd are event-based and allow parallel startup of processes with fine-grained dependency management. Systemd is the newer init system and is used by most current Linux distributions. Changing runlevel is a task for the super user, not the normal user. Upstart is faster than System V at starting processes at system startup, while Systemd offers better dependency management and automatic fault detection.

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Fouad El Metioui

Software Engineer Student | ML Enginner Student | data scientist Student|Devops Enthusiast | Email me at