GRE Joins PNP Global Ecology as Top 8% in FinTech

Global Risk Exchange
3 min readJun 26, 2018


Recently, Global Risk Exchange (GRE) has been selected to join Plug and Play (PNP) Insurtech Japan’s technology entrepreneurship accelerator. Officially becoming a member of the global PNP Ecology. Jointly promoting the development of insurance technology (Insurtech) around the globe, as well as working to improve the applications and technology of blockchain.

On June the 20th, in Tokyo, Japan, PNP officially announced the process and results from this global incubator entrance competition.

A total of 674 innovative technology startups applied to join the global competition. The first round of screening saw this number be torn down to 249 outstanding projects, according to the criteria that included their “business model, development prospects, and technical R&D” among others. The following round of screening was lead by world leading corporate executives, as they chose 101 startups to move forward based on each projects match with societies technological needs, as well as the degree of feasibility in market application. These top 101 startups all had the chance to participate in the Selection Day Roadshow, where the final 53 were chosen for PNP Japan’s global incubator. Only 13 of the 53 that were granted entrance are in the field of Insurance Technology. The overall selection rate from entrants in the competition was 8%.

GRE founder Paul Qi said while talking about joining the PNP global incubator that “GRE is a Graphene based, distributed, complete open source global risk measurement and trading market. It is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals from around the globe to use blockchain technology in the management of risk transactions. As well as, helping to transform the Insurtech and even the financial sector. As an international and open innovation platform, PNP has already established an entrepreneurial ecosystem of mutual development of nearly 10,000 startup companies from across the globe. We very much look forward to the mutual development of both parties in the field of blockchain.

Prior to this GRE had already been invested in by Shen Bo (Founder of Fenbushi Capital), James Gong (Founder of ICOAGE and Blockchain Pencil), LD Capital Limited (Founder Lihua Yi), and JRR Crypto (Investor of Binance) and Huobi Global Eco Fund.

GRE also officially listed on Cointiger on the 21st of June this year.

【Plug and Play Company Introduction】

Plug and Play, headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA, started as the earliest and the largest technology entrepreneurial accelerator in the world. Focusing on building global platforms for scientific and technological innovation.

It is committed to helping entrepreneurial companies develop in the areas of technology investment, large company innovation, entrepreneurial acceleration, and innovation consulting.

It has invested in and incubated more than 6,000 start-up companies, including being involved in the incubation of famous giants such as PayPal, Google, and Logitech.

Insurtech is the most successful innovation area for PNP Silicon Valley. PNP believes the future of technological innovation demand for the field of Insurtech is centered in: blockchain, AI, intelligent underwriting, claim efficiency, increased customer loyalty, IT, and cyber risk control. At the same time, in the field of blockchain, PNP was chosen through public appraisal by Crunchbase as one of the most active blockchain investment institutions in the world.



Global Risk Exchange

Global Risk Exchange (全球風險交易所)Blockchain-based / Graphene-based /Distributed /Open-source / Professional