GRE New Investment in June — Bitrise Capital

Global Risk Exchange
1 min readJun 28, 2018


Recently, GRE (Global Risk Exchange) has received investment from Bitrise Capital.

Bitrise Capital is a well-known investment company focusing on the blockchain field. It was founded by well-known blockchain preachers Kong Jianping, Sun Qifeng, and Shao Jianliang. Bitrise Capital has invested several outstanding blockchain projects such as Fcoin, Quarkchain, Penta, VNT, ZG, Heronode and Bitkan.

GRE focuses on redefining insurance industry with blockchain technology, establishing a Graphene based, distributed, complete open source global risk measurement and trading market. It is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals from around the globe to use blockchain technology in the management of risk transactions. Owing to the market-oriented product design and business expansion, GRE was chosen for PNP Japan’s global incubator, officially became a member of the global PNP Ecosystem. GRE has already contacted with 13 major international companies in Japan and is expected to engage in cooperation with Hitachi, NISSAY and SOMPO.

GRE was listed on CoinTiger on 21st June. Prior to this GRE had already been invested in by Shen Bo (Founder of Fenbushi Capital), James Gong (Founder of ICOAGE and Blockchain Pencil), LD Capital Limited (Founder Lihua Yi), and JRR Crypto (Investor of Binance) and Huobi Global Eco Fund.



Global Risk Exchange

Global Risk Exchange (全球風險交易所)Blockchain-based / Graphene-based /Distributed /Open-source / Professional