Which Juices are best for your baby’s growth

fouzia rafique
5 min readMay 2, 2022


To keep children mentally and physically fit or strong along with a good environment good and healthy

food is very necessary, By the age of 2, children begin to grow mentally and physically, If the baby’s diet is good, it will not only increase her mental capacity but also make them physically healthy.

At the age of 2, children eat only light and soft food,

so for providing, all the vitamins in the baby’s body different fruits juices are very necessary,

Fruits contain all the vitamins that are best for positive baby’s growth and make it physically and mentally strong,

Most of the children look big for their age and most of the children look small for their age,

for 2 years babies, it is very important to include fruit juices along with soft food. different fruits juice help to increase the baby’s growth.

Grapes Juice

In grapes juice, vitamin c and k increase your child’s blood quality. Both of these vitamins also strengthen the child’s bones and help keep him physically healthy.

Magnesium+Phosphorus=Increase positive abalities

The magnesium and phosphorus present in grape juice together help to develop positive abilities in the child.

Grapes fruit juice is a digestible liquid that also helps digest a baby’s food.

Grapes fruit juice also protects children from diseases like vomiting and constipation.

At the age of 2, children try to do little small activities that reduce their energy.

The magnesium and phosphorus present in grapes not only provide energy to the body of children throughout the day but also bring about positive changes in their development.

Banana juice

Banana juice helps better baby’s growth as well as softens its skin,

According to a health report, banana juice helps to create activeness in children and stay active throughout the day.

similarly, in banana juice, Vitamin B-6 is very beneficial in strengthening the child’s bones.

Vitamin B-6+Potassiam= Increases Physically growth

Vitamin B-6 and potassium both work together to improve a child’s physical development.

According to a report, bananas juice for 2 years children increases their mental abilities and makes them more alert and active than other children.

Apple Juice

Apple juice is very beneficial for increasing the blood volume in the body of children and for their positive growth and physical fitness.

Most children do not feel hungry and their body becomes weak due to a lack of food,

Apple juice increases children’s appetite,

According to a health report, Apple juice eliminates the problem of constipation in children,

it is also very useful for strengthening the teeth and gums of children.

Mango Juice

Mango juice is rich in all vitamins and is very beneficial for children to keep them physically healthy.

In mango juice vitamins A and K, Both vitamins bodies keep children physically and mentally active.

The vitamins present in mango juice not only improve the baby’s growth but also provide them with restful sleep.

Mango juice makes the baby physically fit and helps digest food faster.

Vitamin A+C= soft and fresh skin

In mango juice, vitamin A and C both make baby skin soft and also create brightness in their eyes.

Orange Juice

To get vitamin C orange juice is super best, orange juice is also best to increase the children’s height,

The effect of the orange juice is cool. Therefore to keep prevent cough and cold in children, so give orange juice only once a day.

Vitamin C+Magnesioum=Increase baby’s hight

in orange juice, Vitamin C and magnesium are not only beneficial for the baby’s growth but also for the elimination of calcium deficiency in children.

Carrot Juice

carrot juice does not only help to increase the light in baby’s eyes but also create a glow in their eyes,

Vitamin A+C= Reduce Anemia issue

If there is anemia in children then carrot juice is very useful for increasing blood, Some children are very weak physically,

In fact, many diseases attack their health quickly,

Carrot juice is not only good for the physical and mental development of children but also protects them from many diseases.

Cherry Juice

Cherry is a combination of all the vitamins and is very beneficial for the mental and physical development of children.

Cherry juice to remove anemia is very useful. That’s very tasty and children love it.

Vitamin C +A+k=increase baby’s weight

If the baby’s weight constantly declining, then give him cherry juice for a daily routine. In a month, the baby’s weight will start to increase.

If the children are lazy or mostly asleep, then give them cherry juice in the morning time the cherry juice is too much helpful to increase the energy in their body and the children stay active and happy throughout the day.

Being active throughout the day and doing various activities enhances the mental abilities of children.

cherry juice As well as softening children’s skin, it also makes their hair silky.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is a gift of nature that is rich in all vitamins, Pomegranate increases blood flow as well as mental abilities, 2-year-olds run all day running which reduces their body of energy,

Pomegranates juice not only increases physical energy but also keeps children active throughout the day, many children don’t feel the hungry the whole day, Due to this their body starts getting weak and their weight also decreases.

Pomegranate contains vitamins C K and E which are super best to protect against various diseases as well as increase appetite.

According to a report, at the age of 5, most children do not start walking because their bones are weak and they are not active physically.

so pomegranate juice must be added to the food of children at the age of 2 to ensure that their bones are strong.

The vitamins C and E in pomegranates juice also control the digestive system of the baby.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon is a cool fruit, watermelon juice improves Baby’s growth as well as the immune system.

According to a report, watermelon juice can help children with dehydration and prevent intestinal diseases.

Vitamin A+B-6+C=protect immune system

If the child is deficient in salt, then give the child watermelon juice twice a day,

Watermelon juice not only makes up for the lack of salinity but also eliminates constipation.

Strawberry Juice

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and iron, Which are very beneficial for strengthening the bones of children and physical development.

Vitamin C in strawberries not only improves mental development but also helps in improving metabolism.

Strawberries are also very useful in eradicating skin disease in children and increasing mental abilities.



fouzia rafique

MY name is Fouzia Rafique, I have done MSC. I like to write about those topics which will benefit the reader and through my words, they feel happy.