What Does a Fleet Dispatcher Do?

7 min readMar 13, 2023


fleet dispatcher are responsible for coordinating the movement of vehicles and cargo throughout their company’s fleet. They also work with drivers and technicians to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Dispatchers need to have problem-solving skills to help solve problems for customers and companies. They also need to have good communication and time management skills.

Real-time data

Dispatchers need access to real-time data so that they can respond quickly to issues that may arise during a delivery. For example, if there’s a problem with the vehicle or driver, they should be able to know what’s going on and get help fast. This helps ensure that customers receive the service they need, and dispatchers can respond more effectively to customer requests.

The right fleet dispatch software will also provide real-time data about the location of vehicles, fuel usage, and driving habits. This information can help dispatchers make informed decisions about scheduling and trip planning. It can also improve overall dispatching efficiency and reduce wait times for riders, improving the quality of services provided by NEMT providers.

A dispatcher’s role can be difficult, especially when dealing with a large fleet of vehicles. However, the technology that allows them to do their job has advanced dramatically over the years.

Modern dispatch tools are location-aware, analytics-driven, and allow fleet managers to develop dynamic schedules that maximize asset usage. They also automate repetitive tasks, reduce human errors, and increase the productivity of both drivers and managers.

In addition to this, they can help fleet managers develop recurrent routes based on historical records or codified rules. This can help avoid time-consuming, repetitive tasks and free up more of a dispatcher’s time to do more important tasks, such as communicating with drivers or making route changes.

This type of software can also provide real-time communication between drivers and dispatchers, providing an efficient way for both parties to communicate with each other. Drivers can send messages to the dispatcher about upcoming appointments or pickup/dropoff events. The dispatcher can view these messages on the dispatch screen as they come in, making it easier for them to keep track of incoming and outgoing messages.

Another benefit of using the right fleet dispatch software is the ability to easily track work progress. This lets a dispatcher know what jobs are currently being done, how many are in the queue, and what they need to do next.

This information can be used to monitor and evaluate the performance of a fleet, providing the information needed to optimize routes, cut down on idle time, and identify bad driving habits like hard cornering or abrupt acceleration. This can help NEMT operators save money by reducing fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and vehicle wear and tear.


Interactive mapping

Interactive mapping is a feature that allows dispatchers to view truck locations and ETAs. This information can be useful in routing drivers around inclement weather and heavy traffic. It also helps dispatchers ensure that their drivers are able to get to their next destination on time.

Dispatchers who use a fleet telematics system can plan and optimize routes for their drivers, which is key to driving efficiencies across the entire company. This can help reduce operating costs and keep your customers happy.

In addition to real-time data, a fleet dispatcher can monitor driver behavior and receive alerts when drivers are engaging in risky behaviors like speeding, harsh braking, and hard cornering. This can prevent accidents and damage to cargo.

As the industry continues to grow, there is an increasing need for efficient fleet management and effective truck dispatching. Dispatching large truck fleets is challenging because of the high volume and rate of GPS data that is returned by vehicles. It is also difficult to determine the precise position of trucks because of complex road networks.

This problem is aggravated when trucks make U-turns on narrow and complicated roads. Map matching algorithms are required to process the GPS data and provide precise point coordinates for the fleet.

However, this process is prone to errors that may cause a loss of accuracy and can be costly. A new algorithm has been developed that can improve the accuracy of map matching using multiple layers.

The algorithm combines several layers of road network information with different data structures, which can improve the performance of the map matching process. The resulting method is effective in the processing of high-volume, low-resolution GPS data and can improve efficiency.

The proposed method can handle the computational bottleneck caused by the high volume of GPS data returned by large truck fleets. It can be used to implement a map matching algorithm that can rapidly determine the positions of logistics vehicles without relying on the use of complex mathematical equations or programming languages. This technique can reduce the load on the dispatching system and increase productivity for logistics technicians.

Optimized routes

Route optimization is a process that helps delivery companies plan the best routes for their trucks and drivers. It considers several factors to determine the shortest route, like traffic conditions and construction. It also accounts for weather conditions and the number of trucks in the fleet.

Using the right route planning software can make trucking operations more efficient and increase delivery capacity. It also enables the company to meet ETAs that are in accordance with customer expectations.

It can reduce idle time, shorten journeys, and avoid traffic and hassle spots. It can also help fleets serve more clients and increase their revenues.

Another important feature of the right route optimization software is the ability to keep track of all the stops and orders on each driver’s route. This enables managers to track the progress of each driver, and ensure that they are delivering on their schedule.

The software can also help dispatchers provide better service by allowing them to make adjustments to routes as needed. For example, if a route has too many stops, a manager can adjust the schedule to eliminate one or more of them.

In addition to reducing the amount of time on the road, optimizing routes also offers a higher level of safety. It can prevent drivers from having to miss their scheduled delivery times because they have to stop for a restroom break or other reason.

This can be a significant source of frustration for delivery drivers. They want to be able to adjust their routes as necessary without having to wait until the end of the day.

A good route optimization solution allows you to see your routes on a map, so you can make edits on the fly. You can also use the app to give drivers real-time notifications about their routes.

A great route optimization software can be customized to fit the needs of a particular business. It can use different strategies to optimize routes, including standard routing and dynamic routing. Choosing the strategy that works best for your company depends on your business objectives and the type of service you deliver.

Improved visibility

Dispatchers are in charge of organizing and directing the movement of drivers and vehicles across a fleet to complete deliveries, pickups, or in-field service teams for companies of all sizes. They’re responsible for ensuring that all tasks are carried out on time and that the fleet is running smoothly.

The dispatcher is also in charge of communicating with drivers and ensuring that they receive all updates related to their assignments. The dispatcher’s people management skills are crucial, as they need to understand the stress that drivers often face on the road.

To avoid a situation where a driver is stuck in the middle of a difficult situation, the dispatcher should try to put himself or herself in their shoes as much as possible. This means putting compassion and empathy at the forefront of all communications.

In addition, the dispatcher should be able to track drivers in real-time. This ensures that they can respond to any concerns that arise quickly. It also allows them to provide a high level of customer service.

Having better visibility over a fleet can help improve delivery times, which can lead to higher revenues for a company. It also helps reduce fuel costs, vehicle wear and tear, hourly driver compensation, and reverse logistics expenses.

For example, with fleet telematics, a dispatcher can track deliveries and notify drivers of any issues that are occurring along the route. This can save time, fuel, and money, while increasing driver satisfaction.

By improving visibility, dispatchers can identify drivers who are not performing up to par and develop strategies to rectify their problematic behavior. They can also use data from electronic logging devices to ensure that drivers are complying with hours of service (HOS) regulations and safety requirements.

The dispatcher is also in charge of ensuring that drivers are completing their jobs on time and within budget. This can be especially important if the fleet is delivering temperature-sensitive goods. With a supply chain visibility solution, dispatchers can monitor the temperature of each package and react immediately if it is over a certain threshold. They can also reschedule deliveries or cancel them if there are any problems. This can reduce spoilage and damage to shipments, which can affect the bottom line.

