The Best Way to Learn Python From Zero in 2024: Steps, Books & Youtube Channels.

5 min readAug 20, 2024


Hey there!

In this article we’ll walk you through a couple of steps and examples, show you the best quality books, and point you to great YouTube channels that can help you master Python. So let’s get started!

Let’s start with the steps:

The first step is Download Python. (From Official Website)

2. Download or open a text editor, so you can write your code. Try this editors:

Atom Editor —

Sublime Text —

Notepad++ —

3. Learn the basics

You need to learn different concepts of this language, start with variables and data types, operators, loops, conditional statements, functions, parameters and return values, general data structures and with the time you will learn other important foundations of python.

I will show you some examples of python code:

-> Python List Data Type:

country language = ["Portuguese", "English", "Spanish"]

-> Access List Items:

languages = ["Portuguese", "English", "Spanish"]

# print element at index 0
print(languages[0]) # Portuguese

# print element at index 1
print(languages[1]) # English

# print element at index 2
print(languages[2]) # Spanish

In this example, via index values you can access items from the languages list.

  • languages[0] - prints the first item from language, in this case “Portuguese”.
  • languages[1] - prints the first item from language, in this case “English”.
  • languages[2] - prints the first item from language, in this case “Spanish”.

-> Python String Data Type:

name = 'Rafael'

message = 'Rafael loves to learn more about Python!'

Rafael loves to learn more about Python!

-> Arithmetic Operations:

x = 50
y = 20

sum_result = x + y
diff_result = x - y
product_result = x * y

print("Sum:", sum_result)
print("Difference:", diff_result)
print("Product:", product_result)

Sum: 70
Difference: 30
Product: 1000

-> If-Else Statement:

number = 100

if number > 0:
print("The number is positive.")
elif number == 0:
print("The number is zero.")
print("The number is negative.")

The number is positive.

-> For Loop:

vegetables = ["Tomato", "Potato", "Ginger"]

for vegetable in vegetables:


-> While Loop:

count = 0

while count < 10:
print("Count is:", count)
count += 1

Count is: 0
Count is: 1
Count is: 2
Count is: 3
Count is: 4
Count is: 5
Count is: 6
Count is: 7
Count is: 8
Count is: 9

Try yourself and test your knowledge, change some of the code and test it, it will help you understand better if you practice.

4. Interact with other people

Join online communities and forums, the best options are for example, Stack Overflow, Reddit and Quora. You have more communities out there, just do some research on google and you easily find one. Then start talk and engage with other people that are in the same learning path as yours, ask questions, share your code errors and also share projects even if is a small one and collect the feedback from other members, that will definitely improve your learning.

5. Never stop learning

The key to really have a solid knowledge of Python or anything in life is to never stop your learning journey. Python itself is a language that changes and improves, so you need to keep up with this updates!

6. Try to build a simple project

The best way to test your knowledge is by doing practical and functional projects. To build a project you need to:

  • Choose the project idea
  • Have the basic knowledge and understanding of python
  • Use libraries and dependencies
  • Have a organized project structure
  • Test your code
  • Write comments in the code

Try this, is extremely important to boost your python skills.

Book recommendations:

  1. Python crash course, 3rd edition. Written by Eric Matthes.
Check Now on Amazon!

2. Python Programming for Beginners. Written by codeprowess.

Check Now on Amazon!

3. Python for Data Analysis. Written by Wes McKinney.

Check Now on Amazon!

4. Fluent Python. Written by Luciano Ramalho.

Check Now on Amazon!

5. Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition. Written by Francois Chollet.

Check Now on Amazon!

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Discloser: Please note that I will receive a small commission from Amazon if you buy any book referred in the post. This commission does not affect the product original price.




🦊 FoxSelections - Exploring topics related to technology and marketing. Articles written by Rafael Rodrigues.