The Kerala Story: A Movie Mired in Controversy (Under 1000 Words)

3 min readJun 17, 2024


Released in 2023, The Kerala Story sparked controversy with its portrayal of a sensitive topic: terrorism and religious radicalization. The film, directed by Ashok Rao, explores the journey of Shalini (Adah Sharma), a naive young woman from Kerala, who gets entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation.

Plot and Ideological Divide:

The narrative follows Shalini as she falls prey to a radical group disguised as a religious organization. The film depicts the tactics used by the group to lure and indoctrinate young minds, ultimately leading Shalini down a dangerous path towards terrorism.

The Kerala Story has been criticized for its one-sided portrayal. Here’s a breakdown of the opposing viewpoints:

  • Supporters: The film’s proponents see it as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of religious extremism and the importance of vigilance against such groups. They commend the movie for bringing awareness to the issue of radicalization, particularly among vulnerable youth.
  • Critics: Opponents argue that the film promotes Islamophobia and unfairly demonizes a particular religion. They criticize the lack of nuance in portraying the motivations of the radical group and the portrayal of Muslims as a whole.

Critical Reception and Box Office Performance:

The Kerala Story received mixed reviews from critics. Here’s a summary:

  • Positives: Some critics praised the film’s message about the dangers of extremism, while others commended Adah Sharma’s performance as the vulnerable Shalini.
  • Negatives: The film was criticized for its one-sided narrative, lack of historical context, and potentially fueling Islamophobia.

The Kerala Story’s box office performance was below average, likely due to the controversy surrounding its release.

Beyond the Controversy: Exploring the Issue

Despite its shortcomings, The Kerala Story raises an important issue: religious radicalization and its impact on society. It highlights the need for open discussions about extremism and the importance of promoting tolerance and understanding.

Here are some additional points to consider, staying within the 1000-word limit:

  • The film’s title, “The Kerala Story,” creates a sense of regional specificity, although the issue of religious extremism is not limited to Kerala or India.
  • The film does not delve deeply into the root causes of radicalization, such as social and economic inequalities.
  • Further research on religious extremism and its complex factors is recommended for a more comprehensive understanding.

A Note on Responsible Viewing:

While The Kerala Story offers a glimpse into the world of radicalization, it’s important to approach the film with a critical eye. Consider the potential biases of the narrative and conduct further research to form an informed opinion.

Here are some resources for further exploration:

I hope this information provides a balanced overview of The Kerala Story, acknowledging its controversial nature. Remember, critical viewing and further research are crucial when encountering films that tackle sensitive topics.

click here to download and watch the movie-

