1,2-Alkanediol Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (1,2-Propanediol,1,2-Butanediol,1,2-Pentanediol,1,2-Hexanediol,1,2-Octanediol,1,2-Decanediol), And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2031

Helen J. Wilson
5 min readJul 5, 2024

"1,2-Alkanediol Market"のグローバル市場概要は、世界および主要市場における業界に影響を与える主要なトレンドについて、独自の視点を提供します。 デルの最も経験豊富なアナリストによってまとめられたこれらのグローバルな産業レポートは、重要な業界パフォーマンストレンド、需要要因、貿易ダイナミクス、主要企業、および将来のトレンドに関する洞察を提供します。 1,2-Alkanediol 市場は、2024 から || への年間成長率が8.5% になると予測されています2031 です。

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1,2-Alkanediol とその市場紹介です

1,2-Alkanediol is a type of organic compound with two hydroxyl groups attached to adjacent carbon atoms in a straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbon. It is commonly used as a solvent, humectant, and emollient in various personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and chemical processes due to its excellent solubility and moisturizing properties.

The purpose of 1,2-Alkanediol is to enhance the stability, texture, and efficacy of products, as well as improve skin hydration and reduce transepidermal water loss. Its advantages include moisturizing and conditioning properties, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and its ability to act as a preservative.

The growing demand for natural and biodegradable ingredients in personal care products is expected to drive the 1,2-Alkanediol Market, which is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecasted period.


1,2-Alkanediol 市場区分です

1,2-Alkanediol 市場分析は、次のように分類されます:


1,2-Alkanediols are a type of chemical compound commonly used in various industries. The market includes different types such as 1,2-Propanediol, 1,2-Butanediol, 1,2-Pentanediol, 1,2-Hexanediol, 1,2-Octanediol, and 1,2-Decanediol. These alkanediols are used in the production of polymers, solvents, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. They are known for their versatility and ability to improve the performance of products. The market for 1,2-Alkanediols is expected to grow due to the increasing demand across various applications.

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1,2-Alkanediol アプリケーション別の市場産業調査は次のように分類されます。:

Unsaturated Polyester Resins (UPR)Functional FluidsCosmetics, Pharmaceutics and FoodLiquid Detergents

1,2-Alkanediol is commonly used in the manufacturing of unsaturated polyester resins (UPR) due to its ability to improve the flexibility and curing properties of the resin. It is also used as a solvent in functional fluids, and as a moisturizing ingredient in cosmetics and pharmaceutics. In the food industry, it is utilized as a food additive and preservative. Additionally, 1,2-Alkanediol is a key component in liquid detergents, providing emulsifying and stabilizing properties for improved cleaning performance.

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1,2-Alkanediol 市場の動向です

- Increased demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products is driving the growth of 1,2-Alkanediol market as it is derived from renewable resources.

- Rising adoption of 1,2-Alkanediol in personal care and cosmetics industries due to its moisturizing and conditioning properties.

- Technological advancements in production processes leading to cost-effective and efficient manufacturing of 1,2-Alkanediol.

- Growing awareness about the health benefits of using products containing 1,2-Alkanediol, such as its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

- Industry disruptions such as regulatory changes encouraging the use of safer and less toxic ingredients are favoring the growth of the 1,2-Alkanediol market.

Overall, the 1,2-Alkanediol market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years fueled by these trends.

地理的な広がりと市場のダイナミクス 1,2-Alkanediol 市場です

North America: United States Canada Europe: Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific: China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America: Mexico Brazil Argentina Korea Colombia Middle East & Africa: Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Korea

The 1,2-Alkanediol market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa is expected to witness substantial growth due to increasing demand from various industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Key players like Symrise, BASF, Evonik, and Lanxess are investing in research and development to introduce innovative products and cater to the growing market demand. The market opportunities in these regions are driven by the growing consumer preference for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Companies like Minasolve, Kokyu, and Jujing Chemical are focusing on expanding their production capacities in these regions to tap into the lucrative market opportunities. Additionally, factors like increasing disposable income, changing lifestyles, and rising awareness towards personal care are further fueling the market growth in these regions.

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1,2-Alkanediol 市場の成長見通しと市場予測です

The expected CAGR for the 1,2-Alkanediol Market during the forecasted period is estimated to be around 5% to 7%. Innovative growth drivers such as increasing demand for skincare and personal care products, rising awareness about the benefits of using natural and sustainable ingredients, and advancements in technology for the production of 1,2-Alkanediol are expected to propel the market growth.

To increase the growth prospects of the 1,2-Alkanediol Market, deployment strategies such as expanding product offerings to cater to different industries like pharmaceuticals, textiles, and automotive, leveraging online platforms for marketing and distribution, and investing in research and development to develop new applications for 1,2-Alkanediol can be implemented.

Trends that can further boost the growth of the market include the growing preference for eco-friendly and bio-based products, increasing focus on product innovation and customization, and collaborations between key players in the industry to strengthen market presence and expand market reach. By adopting these strategies and keeping up with the latest trends, the 1,2-Alkanediol Market can achieve significant growth in the forecasted period.

1,2-Alkanediol 市場における競争力のある状況です

SymriseBASFEvonikLanxessMinasolveKokyuRealsun ChemicalJujing ChemicalMitsubishi ChemicalZhejiang Boadge ChemicalWuxi Zhufeng Fine ChemicalB&BJCLBIODowLyondellBasellIndorama VenturesADMINEOSRepsolSKCShellShandong Shida Shenghua Chemical GroupDongying Hi-tech Spring Chemical IndustrialShandong Daze GroupShandong Depu Chem

Symrise is a leading player in the 1,2-Alkanediol market, with a strong focus on innovation and product development. The company has a solid track record of financial performance and has implemented innovative market strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Evonik is another key player in the market, known for its high-quality products and strong customer relationships. The company has a history of steady growth and has shown resilience in the face of market challenges.

BASF, a global leader in the chemicals industry, is also a major player in the 1,2-Alkanediol market. The company's diverse product portfolio and strong R&D capabilities have helped it maintain a competitive edge in the market.

In terms of sales revenue:

- Symrise: $3.5 billion

- BASF: $63.7 billion

- Evonik: $13.1 billion

These companies have proven track records of success in the 1,2-Alkanediol market and are well-positioned for future growth. Their innovative market strategies, strong financial performance, and commitment to customer satisfaction set them apart from the competition.

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