7 Keyboard Shortcut Keys of Windows Computers to Make Life Easier

2 min readMay 12, 2024
7 Keyboard Shortcut Keys of Windows Computers to Make Life Easier

File Explorer :

So this theory is about File Explorer,

File Explorer is the place where you have all the files including all your drives,

to go to File Explorer, we normally have a File Explorer shortcut, or this PC

shortcut by which you go to check your files,

if you want to open File Explorer more quickly you can press the Windows key +

E to check your files more quickly.

Magnifier :

Here you can become a computer detective,

if you want to enhance or increase the size of anything on your computer screen to

increase the visibility or anything so small in writing and you want to increase the

size to make it readable you can use a magnifier for this and here’s the short key,

you can press the Windows key combined with the (+) and (-) signs and you now

increase the size of anything where your mouse pointer is.

Taking Screenshot

if you want to take a screenshot of your computer screen here you can do so,

Pressing the Windows key + the print screen key, normally located in the

above the row of your keyboard, or you may combine these keys with the function

key to make it function,

If your keyboard doesn’t have a print screen key you can do this by pressing the

function key with windows key + space bar, now you have solid proof and

you can use it whenever you need it LOL…Continue Reading

