Differences between the FCI, AKC and ADRK

Ivan Vujkovic
3 min readDec 3, 2017


Many of our website visitors come to us with a dilemma on the differences between the FCI, AKC and ADRK. That is why we decided to elaborate on the acronyms and explain what they stand for.

FCI, AKC and ADRK for beginners

All three words stand for specific organizations acronyms. Those are three most important cynology organizations in the world. But do those organizations actually differ that much and what do they have in common, if anything? Read on to learn the answers to these important questions.


FCI is an acronym for the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (English: World Canine Organization), the greatest cynology organization in the world, headquartered in Belgium. FCI members are cynology associations of European countries, such as France, Germany, or Serbia.

FCI is gradually spreading, exceeding European boundaries, hence the most recent members are some African and Asian countries as well.

Bear in mind that continents or countries with no FCI branches have their own national organizations. Such are the US, United Kingdom and Australia, to name just a few.


The US have their own cynology organization, we even dare say its doppelgänger, known as the AKC — American kennel club, which is based on the same principles as the FCI.

Although there may be some discrepancies in the postulates of these two organizations (such as tail docking: whereas FCI strictly forbids the practice, AKC is more liberal on the matter), we can claim with certainty that both pay special attention to dog breeding in the best way possible.

When you are looking for a pedigree dog, no matter the breed, look for its registration data in the country of origin cynology association. Only that way can you make sure you support the legal and official pedigree bloodlines.

N.B. All dogs from Fere Perfectum dog kennel are register with either FCI or AKC.


Finally, last but not least, there is the ADRK — Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler — a society that takes care of Rottweilers only. As the breed origin, the association’s headquarters are in Germany.

ADRK is a member of VDH (German FCI), hence the member of FCI too.

ADRK is dedicated to Rottweilers as a distinct dog breed per se, they work hard in correcting omissions and faults, and it is their ultimate goal to make the best dog possible by simultaneously improving both dogs and dog kennels.

Our dog kennel is a member of the FCI and is led by the ADRK principles, hence we continually strive towards improving this amazing dog breed.

We hope that once you’ve read this you are no longer puzzled on what the FCI, AKC and ADRK stand for: FCI is the world canine organization, AKC is the American Kennel Club, and the ADRK the German Rottweiler Society. All three are dedicated to wellbeing of dogs in general and Rottweilers in particular (ADRK), and they take care of dog breeding around the world.

If, for any reason, we failed to mention something you find crucial or you have the data we have no access to, feel free to get in touch with us and share it with us either in the comments section below or on our social media profiles and pages. We look forward to hearing from you!

Interested in buying Rottweiler pups directly from Europe? Read our previous blog posts on the topic:

