Fuckin’ Queers: Issue One

Fuckin' Queers
2 min readMay 29, 2023


I grew up, for better or worse, in a household that was very open and upfront about sex. My mother’s idea was to make sure my brother and I could always go to her with any kind of question or any need for protection. We became the people you went to for pregnancy tests, condoms, Plan B…

By high school, my friends and I had littered the living room with discarded Cosmopolitan Magazines and a college textbook on Sexology placed on the coffee table. But even with the plethora of resources I could gather in a small central Illinois town, the only mention of homosexuality was a small box in the textbook about what might happen if a daddy and a daddy love each other very much. And that’s great but literally the opposite of what I needed. And forget about trans people.

Granted, this was in the early 2010s, but even now our community lacks any whisper of our own Cosmo. We’re not in People, Allure, we’re rarely in GQ save Elliot Page’s interview last year. Our community is home to so many wonderful freaks, “queerdos”, people who contradict the norm, who contradict themselves. And that’s really fucking cool and should be celebrated.

Queer and trans people are a cornerstone of zine history. With the likes of Transvestia and Unapologetic, and current publications like Trans Masc Studies and Fucking Trans Women.

We asked the community to share their experiences as trans people, as queer people, with sex, longing, resistance, daily life, or whatever they felt the need to share. And true to form, our community did not disappoint. Here are some selections for our first issue.

I’m not gonna bullshit and say “And then we created a free online publication, and now everything is better.” This isn’t a Pepsi commercial. But maybe, if we close our eyes and wish really hard, if we pray to Saints Marsha, Sylvia, Leelah, and Lou, and we light your Elliot Page candle, we can take a quick break from Reality™ and have some fun talking about being queer and trans…and all the great sex we have.

Our contributors and our team worked very hard to put this project together. We hope you like it. And we really hope you like it enough to come back for the next one.


Toby Everhart (they/them)



Fuckin' Queers

What if Cosmo was for queers? We are a new digital and print zine that centers trans people and queer sex. fqthezine@gmail.com