Gaming On Blockchain- Free to play and Play to earn

Fracture Labs
3 min readMay 3, 2019


4 min read 03.05.2019

Everyone would love to earn money while playing a game like in the movie “Ready Player One”. While this may seem to be a dystopian future, it has been made possible with Blockchain technology, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Coincidentally, Blockchain technology is a natural solution in making this dystopian future reality as users can now earn Cryptocurrency while playing games that are built on the Blockchain.

Unique avatars and other virtual items built by users can now be safely stored on the Blockchain and traded between users with the in-game Cryptocurrency as the form of exchange. These transactions are transparent on the Blockchain and reduce any form of transaction disputes.

Read on to find out more about the Decimated gameplay and how you can use DIO tokens on the platform.

Decimated- A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Game

Earth has been destroyed. Civilization has fallen. After neglecting the effects of climate change, the catastrophic consequences have caught up with humanity, with cities decimated and criminals left to live in abandoned cities.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the world of Decimated consists of two factions- Human citizens and Cyborg corps. According to the Decimated Whitepaper, users will start off as human citizens and can be selected to be a Cyborg cop after going through training and following the rules.

The main aim of this game is for users to survive and earn the DIO token by carrying out the following actions:

  • Exploring and salvaging cryptocurrency and technology
  • Undertaking legal or illegal jobs with varying risk/reward
  • Hijacking shipments/ambushing convoys
  • Escorting shipments and protecting them
  • Collecting bounties by imprisoning/killing players and target NPC’s
  • Breaking prisoners out of imprisonment for a reward
  • Buying/selling/trading items to other players or on the virtual market

Graphics and Blockchain features

The game will be created in Unreal Engine 4, a platform where world-class games have been built on. Fortnite and Injustice are just two popular games that have been built on this platform and have showcased outstanding graphics and gameplay.

For more information on the gameplay please refer to the Decimated Whitepaper.

DIO Tokenomics

The DIO total supply of 1 Billion tokens that are pre-minted at the genesis block. Primarily used as a means of payment on the platform, the design of the token economy is meant to manage the inflow and outflow of tokens from users, with the token becoming more scarce as more users are actively engaged in the game.

Users will be rewarded with DIO tokens by successfully referring new users to the game and completing missions their characters were tasked to do. In contrast, users will have DIO debited from their accounts when using in-game services such as paying for fast travel and transaction fees with vendors and other players.

In Summary

Blockchain technology has made earning from gaming a possibility for not only pro gamers but for the amateur player as well. However, limitations in the technological infrastructure and gameplay have resulted in slow progress on this front.

By building the Decimated game on Unreal Engine 4, the Decimated project seems well positioned to build a game that is up to market standard.

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DECIMATED and DIO are registered trademarks, Copyright © FractureLabs OU.



Fracture Labs

Fracture Labs is a videogame company based in Estonia, working on a post-apocalyptic sandbox survival game with a blockchain based economy, called DECIMATED.