Advanced Coral Fragging- Taking Your Reef to the Next Level

Frag Garage
3 min readOct 5, 2023


If you’re a reef enthusiast, you know that the vibrant, bustling ecosystem inside your tank is a mesmerizing sight to behold. And when it comes to adding diversity and vitality to your reef, coral frags in Canada are the secret ingredient that can take your underwater world to the next level. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the art of coral fragging, unlocking the potential of your reef like never before!

What Is Coral Frags?

Coral frags, short for “fragments,” are essentially mini coral colonies that you cultivate from your existing corals. Think of them as the offspring of your majestic coral inhabitants. These small fragments can grow into thriving colonies, enhancing the beauty and biodiversity of your aquarium.

Why Coral Fragging?

Burst of Growth: Coral fragging stimulates rapid growth in your corals, creating stunning formations and intricate structures.

Preservation: It’s an excellent way to preserve and protect rare or endangered coral species.

Trading and Sharing: Fragging allows you to trade or share your beloved corals with fellow reef enthusiasts.

Aesthetic Variety: With fragging, you can introduce a variety of coral species into your tank, creating a visually captivating environment.

The Fragging Process

1. Preparation

Safety First: Don your safety gear to protect yourself and your precious coral babies.

Select Healthy Corals: Choose healthy parent corals for fragging. Make sure they are free from pests or diseases.

2. Fragging Techniques

There are different methods for fragging corals in Canada, such as:

Island Cutting: Cut small sections of the coral’s edge or branch. This is suitable for branching corals like Acropora.

Soft Tissue Cutting: Ideal for corals with soft skeletons, like Zoanthids. Cut through the fleshy tissue.

Division: For corals like Brain Coral, gently divide the coral into smaller colonies.

3. Frag Placement

Attach Frag to Plug: Use frag plugs or epoxy to secure the frags.
Position on Frag Rack: Arrange the frags on a frag rack with good water flow.

4. Care and Maintenance

Water Conditions: Ensure stable water parameters — temperature, salinity, and pH.

Lighting and Flow: Match the lighting and water flow to the needs of the specific coral species.

Monitor and Feed: Regularly monitor the growth of your frags and feed them with suitable coral food.

Patience: Fragging takes time, so be patient. Growth rates can vary among species.

The Magic of Coral Fragging

Coral fragging is not just about propagation; it’s about creating a thriving work of art in your own home. With corals in Canada, you can take your reef tank to the next level and watch it evolve into a mesmerizing underwater universe. Remember, with great fragging comes great responsibility. Always prioritize the well-being of your coral colony, and soon enough, your underwater masterpiece will be the envy of every reef enthusiast in the community.

To know more details about Goniopora coral placement tips please visit our website:



Frag Garage

The majority of our corals have been cultivated in aquarium conditions for many years.