Rhythm Run: Power up your character

3 min readApr 7, 2022


Hi everyone! Today we are here to talk more about our up and coming game, Rhythm Run and share with you more details about how the game will work. As mentioned in the previous article, Rhythm Run will heavily test your sense of rhythm.

Shooting on beat will increase your damage multiplier which in-turn allows you to achieve a higher score and therefore a better chance at netting higher tier rewards. But what exactly are these ever alluring rewards? Some of the rewards that can drop are the three different types of equipment you can use in-game.

Main Fire Weapon

The Main Fire Weapon is the bread and butter of your weapon arsenal. It will be the weapon most used while you play Rhythm Run and thus your main source of damage. Different guns also shoot different types of bullets. Keep this in mind when carving out your own playstyle.

Main Fire and Secondary Fire

Secondary Fire Bullet

The Secondary Fire Bullet serves as your weapon’s powerful ultimate ability. Deal huge amounts of damage, be invulnerable for an extended period of time or even drop constructs to change the battlefield. Your secondary fire weapon is your chance to dominate the game and turn the tide of battle. Secondary Fire Weapons however require skill to activate and will only recharge whenever you successfully damage an enemy. The higher the damage dealt, the faster your Secondary Fire Weapon will recharge.

Auxiliary Pet

Auxiliary Pets

These adorable companions will stick with you throughout the level and actually help you in your adventure. Auxiliary Pets come in three different types: offense, defense and utility. Offensive pets throw themselves into the fray and help deal damage while defensive pets come in-between you and the line of fire to protect you from danger. Utility pets support you by being able to do a myriad of different abilities ranging from increasing your recharge rate to increasing the rate your damage multiplier increases. Although they look harmless, never underestimate these cute creatures as they and their abilities might just be the one to push you over the victory line.


Equipment drops come in different tiers of rarity, common, rare and epic. The same equipment from each tier might have the same type of ability but they will differ in percentages with Epic tier weapons being the strongest.

While common weapons might seem unappealing at the moment, wait before you sell them! Fragments in Rhythm Run might just be useful in another upcoming project or gain additional uses in upcoming updates 😉

That is all we have for today guys but keep a lookout for future articles and teasers in the future! Let us know what you think about Rhythm Run so far, and join the Fragnova Network!

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Disclaimer: Media and Mechanics shared in this article are from Rhythm Run early development and are subject to change in the future.




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