FRAKT Weekly update — 2023 week 16

3 min readApr 25, 2023


Hey everyone ☀️
Can you feel that green acid 🟢 running through your veins?
It’s the FRAKT Alpha kick.
(Previous weekly update is available here)

General news

A lot is happening right now ahead of BANX mint 🔥
Below is a short TL;DR:

BANX Presales

More than 60% presales were sold in less than 48H 🔥

Presales can be purchased at by having the required role in the Discord of one of our Partners. More info in our documentation.

Don’t hesitate to open a ticket in our Discord if your favorite DAO isn’t offering BANX presales

  • FRAKT Holder guaranteed presale ended on 04/20
  • Presales waves allocated to other projects/DAOs are ongoing until 05/05
  • Presales wave 3 is starting today at 3PM UTC

Reasons to load up on BANX presale

TL;DR in our doc: Why mint BANX?
🔥 Revenue share backlog: 10,000 SOL
🔥 Revenue share from future royalties, product fees, & protocol owned liquidity yield
🔥 Chance at rare, high utility points valued currently at 100+ SOL
🔥 5K SOL AMM offer liquidity post-mint
🔥 Frakt holders are the most diamond handed on Solana

BANX art is incredible

🔥 25 in-collection 1/1s
🔥 10 Rare skins including the Gaia fur
🔥 Immense variety of captivating traits
🔥 A uniquely colorful palette

Don’t take our word for it, we’re biased! @Pearlyrex said it better:

BANX WLs (and other prizes) are distributed to participants of the Fraktlisting Leaderboard Competiton

We’ve just released
🟢 The team leaderboard
🟢 Displaying your own ranking on top of the leaderboard

How to join the Fraktlisting Leaderboard Competition?

1️⃣ Get Fraktlisted

2️⃣ Climb the leaderboard with lending/borrowing activity

  • Each verified holder included in the 11/04 snapshot was automatically Fraktlisted
  • Each verified holder included in the 11/04 snapshot has 3 referral codes to distribute
  • Anybody can ask referral codes to holders or to partner projects & DAOs
  • Referers (holders or DAOs) will receive 25% of all Frakt fees paid by their referees, for ever!

Bonds fees have been turned on

  • Borrowers are now paying 0.5% protocol fee based on loan value
  • Protocol fees will fuel revenue share to BANX stakers post-mint

Growth & Marketing



  • We continue educating & onboarding more users to Bonds, the most flexible, scalable and composable lending product on any chain:

FRAKT holders have the strongest 💎🙌 on Solana

Liquidity integration



We shared 5 hot new BANX sneak peaks 🔥

Design & Development

  • Released improvements for “My loans” page (history, filters,…)
  • Released Fraktlisting UX improvements
  • Released Leaderboard updates (team view, own rank view, ability to update name of your team and download all ref codes you have, …)
  • Released an optimisation update on Bonds. This week we will integrate it into borrowing, lending and strategies. This update is going to fix most remaining issues (second tx sometimes failing, failed tx on large bulk loans, …)
  • Worked on a new feature enabling Bonds offers in fixed SOL price (to be released later this week)
  • Working on further simplyfing our UX/UI for both borrowers & lenders
  • Working on new (bulk) UI for borrowers
  • Working on Refinancing feature (to be released later this week)
  • Working on fixing Discord Notifications
  • Working on adding Email notifications
  • Misc. bug fixes

