2 min readJul 5, 2022


With every passing day, we come closer to deploying the FRĀMD contracts to the ICON mainnet. Our developers have been working hard to put in place all the moving parts needed to jump start the $FRMD tokenomics.

We are happy to announce that the FRĀMD node is expected to go live on Friday July 8, 2022! We can’t wait to start contributing to ICON’s decentralization and security!

Please note that daily reward distribution will start shortly after the $FRMD contracts are deployed on July 11, 2022.

How to vote for FRĀMD?

Willing community members can start delegating votes as of today. You can vote in one of two ways:

  • Vote with $ICX using Hana, ICONex, or MyIconWallet.
  • Voting using $OMM.
    If you decide to vote using $OMM, please make sure to either vote with at least 1 $ICX natively and/or have a least 1 $FRMD staked

Why Vote for FRĀMD?

  • Helps the team
    Even with the node still offline, delegating votes helps the devs test the scripts developed for node reward distribution
  • Earn $FRMD tokens from our voting incentive program
    The team is dedicating 3.2M tokens to be distributed daily over 2 years
  • Stake your $FRMD to earn a share from daily node rewards
    15% from the daily node rewards will be shared with the $FRMD stakers
  • Earn ICON staking rewards
    By staking and delegating your votes to a node you earn ICON staking rewards (currently 7.88%)
  • Ensure that your votes are being used to grow the ecosystem
    The node rewards will be used for:
    - Covering the node’s operating cost
    - Funding the Treasury (≈35%)
    - Building Protocol Owned Liquidity (≈50%)
    - Incentivizing $FRMD staking (≈15%)

We are also hopeful, that with the support of our community, we will slowly make our way to becoming a main validator. Let’s build a thriving and rewarding ecosystem, together! Vote FRĀMD!




FRĀMD is building an extensive NFT ecosystem in which separate and varied NFT projects share a common economy. FRĀMD is building Art-Fi.