FRĀMD Monthly Update — November 2022

4 min readDec 1, 2022


Another month has passed in no time! November was tough for the crypto industry with the collapse of FTX, but whatever the outside sentiment and no matter how difficult things may get, the FRĀMD team continues to build towards its goal.

Yeti Strong Club

The Yeti Strong Club NFT sales saw a massive uptick in November, primarily due to the, first of it’s kind, 48 hours Black Friday sale. The sale was a sudden and unplanned event inspired by our team member’s wedding coinciding with Thanksgiving. The event was very successful giving original holders a chance to double down and people on the fence the little push they were looking for to join the community.

Cumulative Sales by Month

This event also gave rise to interesting community ideas that we will be following up on. The only way for a project to succeed is for the community itself to get as involved as possible, and we are very happy to see community driven initiatives on the rise. Expect more announcements in this topic soon.

Thaenia — Dark Tides

The marketing campaign for Thaenia — Dark tides continues. Every Monday, a new character is revealed along with a short teaser of the character’s story! The team has been sticking with the Blackhand revealed the leaders of the Underhill faction in November! favorite! Check out the character posters we released in November!

  • The Underhill Crest
  • Hilda Brazenhildt (A powerful warrior and leader of the Strongarm Clan)
  • Grivki Bronzeball (Master of Coin and leader of the Foreman Clan)
  • Fjord Ironrock (Cultural and Religious anchor and leader of the Rune Forger Clan)

General Updates


  • We made significant progress in developing our “Blog” page on the FRĀMD central website. The Blog will replace Medium as the main platform used to communicate with the community.
  • FRĀMD was approached by individuals from outside of the ICON ecosystem to use our development services. We are still in early negotiations with that party.
  • Work on Thaenia is ongoing in the background. We have completed more artwork and began working on additional tracks for the game’s soundtrack. Additional progress was also made on Thaenia’s website.
  • The FRĀMD App is now accessible from the MyIconWallet browser.


  • The FRĀMD team was featured in a Twitter space AMA with the OMM Monks in their new validator series. If you missed it, you can listen to the AMA here


The Redemption

  • Alter’s Redemption proposal has been submitted to the CPS and is now up for voting. FRĀMD sponsored this project because of the massive potential it has to push for blockchain tech and NFT adoption. If approved, FRĀMD will be providing the development services needed to build Redemption. Please read the the original full announcement here.

New Partnership

  • The team has teased that a new project/partnership is in the works. While we can’t share any specific details yet, we are actively working on a new idea with massive potential. At FRĀMD, our core business is NFTs, and we believe art and gaming is just scratching the surface when it comes to this technology.
  • FRĀMD and PepeBet revealed an official collaboration for their NFT competition. PepeBet is a new sports betting platform that has been gaining alot of traction recently. Please read the full announcement here.


This month, our node earned around 12400 $ICX, and the secondary sales royalties amounted to 390 $ICX. After node operating costs, all earnings were distributed as per the token model.

What to Expect in December

  • The Redemption platform Development will begin if approved by the Validators.
  • The team will launch the FRĀMD Blog on the website; the Blog will be the official communication hub. The team will begin migrating from Medium to our Blog. This was originally intended for November, but we hope to complete this in December.
  • We will continue with our character reveal campaign for Thaenia along with giveaways! Development of the game will also continue.
  • The team will continue to raise awareness about the YTSC and its importance as we try to onboard new holders and community members. We plan on adopting some community ideas as well.
  • 133,333 $FRMD tokens will be given out as voting rewards during November.




FRĀMD is building an extensive NFT ecosystem in which separate and varied NFT projects share a common economy. FRĀMD is building Art-Fi.