Introducing Yeti 2.0: NFT Staking, Upgradeable Farms, and New Opportunities

5 min readApr 5, 2023


As we approach the one-year anniversary of the Yeti Strong Club, which was launched on May 27, 2022, we are eager to share with our community what yeti 2.0 will look like. We always intended for the YTSC to hold an important role within the ArtFi ecosystem, and we are confident that this update, combined with the recent $FRMD 2.0 announcement, will further solidify the YTCS as the central NFT collection within our growing ecosystem. We’ve been working tirelessly to create an exciting and engaging gamified experience that will bring continuous long term value for our Yeti NFT holders, collectors on the fence, and the broader crypto community.

Overview of the Yeti Strong Club Collection

The Yeti Strong Club consists of 10,000 unique Yeti NFTs on the ICON Blockchain, divided among four tribes: Cloud, Ice, Snow, and Water. Each Yeti NFT generates 1 $FRMD token per day for a year as passive income. Holders also enjoy exclusive access to future FRĀMD collections, partner collections, discounts, and merch drops.

Introducing the Crypto Farms Expansion

As we enter the next phase, we’re introducing 4,000 Crypto Farms to the Yeti Strong Club ecosystem as a gamified approach to NFT staking. The Farms, available in three rarities (Cloud Nine, Arctic Glacier, and Frosty Peak), will host your Yeti and unlock new $FRMD earning opportunities.

$FRMD production rates for each farm will depend on the combination of Yeti tribes and farm level. After the first year is over, Cloud Yeti will earn 0.6 $FRMD per day, Ice Yeti 0.3 $FRMD per day, Snow Yeti 0.2 $FRMD per day, while Water Yeti won’t earn $FRMD but will boost the entire farm production by 25%.

Farm Classes

Farm Upgrades and Boost System

Farms can be upgraded using $FRMD, which will increase production rates for the Yeti in each farm. Boost percentages depend on the farm level, ranging from 0% to 60%. Water Yeti staked in a farm provide an additional 25% production boost over the boost from the farm level. This gamified staking experience encourages strategic decision-making while adding long-term value to all the Yeti Tribes and their holders.

Farm Leveling and Boost Changes

It is worth noting that farm upgrades beyond/up to certain levels will become animated. Furthermore, users will be able to name their farms and yeti allowing for additional personalization. Renaming will cost the users $FRMD.

Upgrade Synergies

It is possible to unlock additional synergies between different farms and Yeti tribes at specific levels.

Synergy Details

Synergies would push the boost for Cloud Yeti in a level 10 farm (with Water) to 120%; for Snow Yeti in a Level 10 Arctic Glacier farm to 115%, and a Snow Yeti in a Frosty Peak farm to 110%.

Assuming that each farm will have a water yeti, a level 10 Cloud Nine farm will unlock an additional 10% boost if all the remaining Yeti were Cloud Yeti. Similarly, Arctic Glacier farms synergize with Ice Yeti, and Frosty Peak farms synergize with Snow Yeti.

Farm Minting

Phase 1 of the NFT Mint is set to go live before May 27, 2023, so that users continue to earn $FRMD without interruption. The mints will be blind and the NFT will be revealed after the mint. Minting Farms will qualify users to earn both $CFT and $FRMD, for each 1 $ICX spent the minter will receive 1.25 $FRMD. All $CFT from the mint will be kept in preparation for $CFT 2.0. The cost of the farms will be revealed closer to the mint date.

Farm Design

Keeping with the gamified nature of the Yeti staking, the Farms will have fun, tech-themed aesthetics which align with the Yeti tribes, the farm names, and their cryptocurrency generation utility. Each farm NFT will have four distinct areas:

  • Area 1: The House or Hut where the Yeti Live
  • Area 2: The Power Source (from a renewable power source) that powers the crypto farm.
  • Area 3: The Mining Rig which will feature the hardware used to mine $FRMD
  • Area 4: A Display Area where the Yeti keep their items!

The collection will also feature 1 unique background for each farm type!

A Prototype of a Frosty Peak Farm (Incomplete).

Important notes:

  • The YTSC collection will be the only NFT collection to perpetually farm (mine) $FRMD!
  • Only a single Water Yeti can be staked per farm.
  • After the one-year mark, only the earning potential changes, while all other perks of owning a Yeti remain the same.
  • Only Yeti minted for over a year are eligible for staking i.e. Yeti NFTs that are still generating 1 daily $FRMD cannot be staked in a Farm. Similarly, newly minted yeti will continue to generate 1 $FRMD per day. for 1 year after which the users would be able to stake the yeti in a farm.
  • $FRMD spent upgrading the farms or changing the names of the NFTs will be redirected to the FRĀMD Vault and locked out of circulation.
  • The boosts are applied in the following order: Synergy Boost (if applicable), Farm Level Boost, and lastly the Water Yeti Boost.

$FRMD Inflation Update

With the expansion, the daily inflation of $FRMD will decrease from 10,000 $FRMD to 3,870 $FRMD once all 10,000 Yeti stop earning first-year allocations, assuming all farms are fully upgraded, boosted by a Water Yeti, and every NFT is benefiting from the synergy effect.

Revamped Yeti Strong Club Website

We have collaborated with Design House to develop a completely redesigned Yeti Strong Club website, which will showcase our unique collection and provide an engaging platform for our community to interact with the farms. The website will be redesigned to accommodate the Farm expansion and will incorporate the YTSC Ranking site all in on easy to use interface.


The Yeti Strong Club expansion aims to deliver a gamified experience for our community members, with new opportunities for both current Yeti holders and potential collectors. Take advantage of staking your Yeti in the new Farms and discover the gamified world of the Yeti Strong Club.




FRĀMD is building an extensive NFT ecosystem in which separate and varied NFT projects share a common economy. FRĀMD is building Art-Fi.