Yeti Strong Club X Thaenia — Dark Tides

3 min readSep 27, 2022


With every passing day, we draw closer to the launch of Thaenia — Dark Tides. Thaenia will be FRĀMD’s second major release on the ICON Blockchain and the second project to join our shared economic framework or what we like to call Art-Fi. In doing so, Thaenia will also be contributing to $FRMD’s liquidity and staking rewards but more on that later. This article will detail the advantages of being a yeti holder for Thaenia — Dark Tides!

Since the launch of the Yeti Strong Club, we made it clear that this collection is unique and will give holders several special privileges. After all, all Yeti holders are citizens of the FRĀMD nation!

Thaenia — Dark Tides Whitelist

We expect that the demand for this P2E game will be high, so we have decided to implement a whitelist. To earn a whitelist spot, a user must hold at least 1 Yeti NFT. It is as simple as that. Yeti holders are also automatically whitelisted for all other FRĀMD and partner projects.


In the whitepaper, we mentioned that Yeti holders may also be entitled to discounts on future collections. We are happy to announce that Yeti holders will be able to mint Thaenia — Dark Tides card packs at a discounted price. Please check the following table for more details.

Holders of Yeti NFTs within the ranges in this table at the time the Pre-Sale goes live will qualify to receive the corresponding discount. The discount is applicable during the whitelist (pre-sale) period only. The team will be announcing the dates way ahead of time. We believe this is also a fair way to reward loyal community members who have supported the team thus far.

Yeti Creature Cards

We have hinted before in our AMAs that some yeti holders will earn a playable Yeti creature card that they will be able to use in Thaenia — Dark Tides as part of their deck. With the YTSC being a 10K collection, it is not possible to give every Yeti holder a Yeti creature card without impacting the game mechanics. Instead, the 200 rarest Yeti will be dropped a free Yeti creature card according to the below.

Please note that both the rare and the common Yeti creature cards will be very rare in terms of raw numbers. There will be significantly more than 150 copies of a typical common card, but only 150 copies of the common Yeti creature card. The same applies for the rare category. We cannot create epic Yeti cards because epics are reserved for the main characters in Thaenia’s storyline.

In addition to the above and as a token of appreciation from the team, we will gift a Yeti X Alter Cap to the holder of the rarest Yeti within each 2K band.

Please note, that this distribution will happen after the yeti strong club collection sells out because the Yeti rarities will continue to change as more Yeti get minted.

Closing Remarks

There will be more unique drops and releases planned to occur after Thaenia launches, and Yeti holders will always be at an advantage. We will keep the community updated regularly, and we look forward to the launch of the game.

We are very grateful for your support so far; it is the reason we continue working hard to bring our wider vision to life.




FRĀMD is building an extensive NFT ecosystem in which separate and varied NFT projects share a common economy. FRĀMD is building Art-Fi.