How WeWork improves its guest experience & generates new revenues

4 min readJun 23, 2020


By opening its screen times to inspirational, external content, WeWork improves its guest experience

People working at WeWork are united: They are performers and pioneers, they are affluent and influential early-adopters who look to us for brand discovery and lifestyle inspiration. From decision makers and early entrepreneurs to creativity-savvy multiplicators and well-known brands such as , — they are all there. The tight member community consists of smart, hard-working, innovative and self-driven individuals, who are often passionate about design, easiness, healthy lifestyle, and digital solutions.

WeWorks guests and members welcomes the new type of entertainment and digital content. Seeing advertisements about new digital software solutions to improve their operation flow, getting inspired by food delivery options for lunch time, learning about upcoming events and conferences, viewing the newest articles of interesting publishers — it all makes the location become more alive and presents topics to discuss with other members.

Even W&V reports on the new guest experience and the attractive new revenue source at WeWork:

WeWork even makes money with it

By opening the screens to the advertiser pays for its campaign and thus establishes a new revenue stream with Framen. There are almost no investment costs at all: Either existing screens can be used and upgraded or new all-in-one devices from the FRAMEN partners can be financed. Basically, however, every digital screen surface such as projectors, tablets at the entrance counter or TVs are suitable. Side note: This concept is external content, WeWork receives 70% of the media budgeteasily scalable for all WeWork locations worldwide with just one click.

Digital Screens in WeWork all over Germany

Currently, all WeWork screens in the major metropoles are connected with Framen and, thus, available for advertisers. The screens are placed either horizontally or vertically hanging in particularly strategically well thought-out locations: In highly visible areas that attract the attention of guests, the screens provide information about the latest news from WeWork, show member presentations, ambience content and display external WeWork-selected content from the publishing world as well as advertising from brands and exclusive partners.

With all screens in these German WeWork locations, advertisers can get a net-reach of up to 23 million impressions/month with their campaigns. This gives brands and agencies the opportunity for contextual hypertargeting: Through data-driven forecasting about the behavior of target groups Framen offers a marketing channel without coverage waste and provides people in the locations simultaneously with for them personally relevant and interesting content.

Framen helps WeWork become more digital

The Framen Digital Signage-software enables WeWork to open its digital screens to external content and welcome advertisers. Once the TV is connected to the software and the location is visible on the Framen booking platform, advertisers can time-efficiently book their digital campaigns on Inspiring community content from WeWork like member presentations, the latest hygiene information or the weekly events will still be displayed. Added to this is simply external content from contextual-fitting advertisers or news from publishers.

OMR and Too Good To Go +more already advertised via Framen

Talking about brand safety: WeWork still controls who advertises when and what! Once an advertiser requests a campaign booking, WeWork approves the content before it can go live. This way, WeWork makes sure only suitable, interesting, and inspiring content is shown to its members. informed members and guests about its exciting digital masterclass on June 17th and 18th through the new digital channel Framen.

Too Good To Go combines its campaigns not only with the interests of the guests on site, but also with the values of the location itself: WeWork itself, a sustainable approach is important in everyday life . Cultural pioneers, hedonists and sustainability-conscious people in WeWorks want to combine a life full of joy and positive things with the thought of a clean and healthy environment today and tomorrow. This idea provides an exciting context for brand placement of Too Good To Go.

Originally published at on June 23, 2020.




Enabling real time streaming of #new, #ads and #stories on indoor screens. FRAMEN connects advertisers, publishers, and indoor screen providers on our platform.