Polymer Gopher

App Engine, Go, Polymer, and Cloud Endpoints

Francesc Campoy
2 min readApr 9, 2015

During my latest visit to Seattle I had the honor to talk at GDG Seattle, and of course I decided to talk about something I’m very excited about: Polymer!

If you, like me, don’t consider yourself as a good frontend engineer (aka CSS makes you quiver) Polymer might change the way you write your web apps.

Polymer provides an easy way to define and use web components. One class of those components are the Paper Elements, which implement Material Design for web apps. Which means that even I can create web apps that look good!

The demo application I developed… looks good!

I decided to adapt the polymer tutorial to work communicating with an App Engine application written in my favorite language: Go.

The code is available on GitHub!

The App Engine application is composed of two modules that interact with each other via a REST API generated using Google Cloud Endpoints. You might have heard about the technology for Java and Python, but it is now also available for Go on github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/go-endpoints.

Architecture of the application

Developing this was fun … so much fun that I thought it would be great to redevelop from scratch live in front of a bunch of avid gophers!

Brian Dorsey, my awesome colleague, recorded the event and now the video is available on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy it! Please send your feedback and if you find bugs or improvements I’m happy to accept issues and pull requests on the GitHub repository github.com/googlesamples/cloud-polymer-go.

