Female Ejaculation

Francesca Rigot
11 min readJan 6, 2020

The image of a vulva is projected enlarged on the white wall, on which one finger places each part when mentioned:

— Here is the clitoris and here the urethra. Here, very close, the Skene glands, which produce ejaculation. Not to be confused with Bartolini’s glands, which are below the entrance of the vagina, here.

It was the second floor of a house in Santa Barbara, in the north of Bogotá. Thirty-five people, ten men among them, had attended the virtual call. “Female ejaculation — The dance of the rain,” said the advertising piece that he cited for a Friday in August at eight in the evening and promised a space to talk about “everything you always wanted to know about squirt and you never dared to ask”. It included the image of a group of women in bikinis, very thin, very white and very blonde, who fired their water guns smiling.

“First we had put the image of a woman who had ejaculated, although she did not look, only wet sheets, but there is always someone who is offended,” Mario, the speaker, clarifies, when I tell him that such publicity almost dissuades me from attending .

Mario Manrique, lawyer, 33 years old, father of a 6-year-old boy, divorced, and now a teacher in Kundalini yoga training, recites his explanation. Everything about him is long. It is higher than the Colombian average. He wears his hair, as dark as his mustache…

