Why you should start the new year with #100DaysOfCode

I did it for 2017 and it was the best choice I’ve made that year

Francesco Agnoletto
2 min readDec 27, 2017
Random sign I liked in Leuven — Belgium

100 Days of Code is a challenge invented by Alexander Kallaway, it is quite simple:

  • Code a minimum of one hour every day for 100 days.
  • Log your progress by forking the official GitHub repository.
  • Share your progress on twitter daily.


My main goal with this challenge was to solidify my habit of coding every day, even when I did not want or did not “have time”. After all, I had my dozen followers on twitter rooting for me, I couldn’t let them down!

One side effect of coding every day is that your GitHub profile (if you push your code to the website) starts to look a bit more alive with dozens of green/blue (night mode) squares.
While it does not really say much about you, it is always a nice plus to showcase your projects and contributions.

My experience with 100DaysOfCode

When I decided to start the challenge I thought I would not be able to finish it, I had to travel the same month I started so it became quite difficult, yet exciting to continue coding every day, under any circumstance, from my bed at 2 a.m. or a house full of screaming college students.

I managed to code every day without skipping even once. I had developed a personal strategy: did most of my code after midnight so even if the day was too full, I still had all the following day free.
To this day I still like coding late in the night, feel it’s more relaxing, until I fall asleep in front of the computer.

My final day of the challenge.

My goals for 2017 were quite simple, start #100DaysOfCode challenge, find a job as webdev, become a digital nomad.

Beginning 100DaysOfCode is what gave me the strength and knowledge to complete the other two.

