Scarcity Brain Book Review: A Mind-Bending Journey into the Craving Mindset

Francesco Di Lorenzo
5 min readOct 6, 2023


Hey fellow book lovers! I recently embarked on another adventure. I’d love to share my experience with you.

Have you ever pondered why certain cravings are so irresistible or why your smartphone feels like an extension of your hand? Well I have stumbled upon a book that explores these questions and much more; “Scarcity Brain”, by Michael Easter.

This book truly made me pause and contemplate. It’s not another self help book; it takes you on a journey into the intricate workings of the human mind.

If you’re someone who enjoys thought provoking books that inspire introspection and have the potential to transform your life then stick around for this review of “Scarcity Brain.

Meet The Author

Lets now dive into a discussion about the author himself Michael Easter. He is far from your writer. Easter is a journalist, a university professor and a renowned author known for his writing. After his debut with “The Comfort Crisis “ he has again delivered a captivating read, with “Scarcity Brain.”This individual has traveled to places, like Iraq and Bolivia. Even immersed themselves in Amazonian tribes in order to provide you with firsthand insights. They’re not just theorizing from an office; they actively venture out into the field gathering real world experiences.


Alright lets dive into the heart of what “Scarcity Brain”’s about. This book goes beyond skimming the surface of behaviour; it offers a comprehensive exploration.

Michael Easter takes us on a journey into the intricacies of the mind analyzing why we are wired to constantly crave more — whether its food, time, social interaction or even digital validation.

He doesn’t simply identify the problem; he takes it a step further by delving into the science behind these cravings.

Easter introduces us to the concept of the “scarcity loop,” a cycle that leaves us perpetually unsatisfied and always longing for more.

He explores neuroscience, psychology and even anthropology to shed light on how this loop has become ingrained within our essence since times.

However there’s no need for concern, as its not entirely negative.

The book also serves as a guide that provides steps and strategies to liberate ourselves from this cycle.
Imagine it as a roadmap, for navigating the corridors of your mind.

Scarcity Brain” serves as a guide to unraveling the intricacies behind desires and cravings.

It delves into the reasons behind our behaviours. Equips us with tools not to understand them but also to effectively manage them.

So if you’ve ever pondered why you can’t resist having one cookie or constantly find yourself checking your phone this book provides both the explanation and solutions.

What You’ll Discover

Now lets dive into what this book has in store. “Scarcity Brain” is filled with eye opening insights.

To start off you’ll become familiar with the concept of the “scarcity loop,” a trap that perpetually keeps us wanting more.

It doesn’t end there. The book also guides you on how to break free, from this cycle and cultivate an “abundance mindset.”

From appreciating solitude to gaining perspectives on overcoming addiction this book offers a toolkit for your mind providing numerous strategies to enhance various aspects of your life.

The Audible Experience

If you’re a fan of audiobooks and appreciate their convenience and flexibility then you’re, in for a treat, with the version of “Scarcity Brain.

The narrators voice is crystal clear. Possesses a captivating charm that keeps you engaged. It’s almost as if the narrator truly understands the weight of the books content and delivers it in a way that compels you to listen pause to contemplate and eagerly hit play more.

What distinguishes this Audible experience is its ability to make intricate scientific concepts and psychological theories easily understandable. You don’t need to be sitting down with a highlighter and notebook to grasp the core message conveyed by Michael Easter.

Whether you’re commuting, working out or even doing household chores the Audible version allows you to multitask without missing out on the books enriching content.

Furthermore the pacing is just right. It neither rushes quickly for you to keep up nor drags slowly for your interest to wane.

This balanced tempo ensures that you can absorb the information reflect upon it and even experience those “Aha!” moments that make reading or in this case listening so gratifying.
If you’re someone who enjoys audiobooks or if you’ve been thinking about giving Audible a try I highly recommend checking out “Scarcity Brain.” It offers an enjoyable experience and the best part is, it’s completely free! So why not give it a shot?

Is It Worth Your Time?

Now you might be wondering if this book is worth your time. Well let me tell you it absolutely is! “Scarcity Brain” is not engaging to read but also provides guidance, for solving real life problems.

One aspect that really stood out to me was how the book incorporates explanations. It adds credibility to the ideas presented because they are supported by research and real life experiences. This makes the book more compelling.

If I had to mention one drawback it would be that the book could delve deeper into solutions for people facing constraints. However despite this limitation I still highly recommend reading it.

Reading “Scarcity Brain” has truly been eye opening for me. It has helped me understand the reasons behind my behaviours and given me tools for making more informed choices, in life.

The reviews I’ve come across all seem to agree that this book has the potential to be truly transformative.Whether your goal is to become more engaged, in your role, as a parent improve your career prospects or simply develop an understanding of yourself this book provides insights and benefits.

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