Conversationalism for Brands

Francesco Rulli
3 min readFeb 2, 2016


Conversations are an important aspect of human interactions. Brands struggle to establish meaningful conversations when they approach customers and brand ambassadors. I am from Italy, and Italians are renowned for talking a lot, using hands and facial expressions during passionate conversations.

For a company, it is very important to know who it is talking to, and even more important to care about the story and complexity of people’s lives and interests. I do like Extra Virgin Olive Oil and I am a great customer and advocate for specific brands of olive oils. But this is just one conscious aspect of my interests and preferences. What about my entire life that gravitates around Tuscany, the cradle of Renaissance and olive oil? Do you know that Leonardo Da Vinci grew up a few miles from my home and that his home is surrounded by Olive trees? What about my Mediterranean diet associated to my sport? Those are very intimate conversations that Brands should have with people when they first approach them, without trying to sell them a product or service, but instead by building a long-term relationship and a subconscious emotional link between the two.

When you walk into a party, you can engage in conversations with the people who are attending. If you are unable to keep up with the conversation, listen to their stories, share thoughtful observations about them and inspire them, you will find out that people will refrain from speaking with you and possibly not care much about who you are and what you do. This is what happens to a brand that fails to listen and inspire their interlocutors, customers and advocates.

We founded MTI USA inc. in 1995 and since then, we have mastered the study and development of conversations between People and Brands. We developed innovative techniques and technologies to trigger, measure and inspire conversations that today result in a great success and motivate users to spend 800% more time per session on a website, and donors to trigger an average of 15,000 daily donations.

We created the BuzzScore (Patent Pending) to measure users and Brand Ambassadors’ influence and quality of content. We created and developed the bit-Miles rewarding technology (Patent Pending) to inspire, reward and track loyalty points and rewards all over the world. We introduced a novel platform that promotes dialogue and forges meaningful relationships between customers and brands, providing proprietary insights into customer needs and brand value that can help identify, engage, and reward advocates committed to the long term success of the brand.

If you are a Brand, I would ask you this: Do you have friends (advocates and brand ambassadors)? Where do you engage them and how loyal are they to your brand?

Thanks to our know-how and technologies, we are able to find out who are the meaningful Brand Ambassadors within a specific segmentation, for example: “Who are the Cricket Fans who appreciate Basketball and are involved in community initiatives for social good?” Those are three separate factors that contribute to grow a new and specific network of Brand Ambassadors in emerging markets like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. We are also able to engage them in a constructive conversation without limitations of topic, location and time. We inspire and reward the best Advocates and Brand Ambassadors, and with our Loyalty Rewards Technology Bit-Miles, we invite them to share their contact information for future interactions and collaborations.

