Frances Danger
2 min readOct 10, 2019

The Bounty on Native Scalps Continues

In the midst of more cities and states adopting Indigenous Peoples Day and The Braves discouraging the use of the "tomahawk chop" by refusing to hand out free foam tomahawks as they’ve done in the past there is this. "BRAVES SCALPED", a headline from a Bay Area news channel.

We fight against the use of Native mascots, names, and regalia because it normalizes the perception that we are caricatures, a diminished people. When you don't see us as people worthy of respect it's easy to use a term like "scalped".

And while you may see a simple headline we see the hair of our ancestors hoisted in celebration of our genocide. We see the price that was put on their heads. We see the life of a Native child was worth 20 pounds. These bounty hunters held our lives in their hands so that today our deaths could be used to talk about baseball.

It’s the continuation of our subjugation and it needs to stop now.

Frances Danger

MvskokeCreek/Seminole. Published journalist, essayist, author. Will work for red lipstick. Has more eyeshadow than you. Definitely not your mascot