Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market: Competitive Analysis, Market Trends and Forecast to 2030

5 min readJan 21, 2024

Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market: Competitive Analysis, Market Trends and Forecast to 2030

Executive Summary

The landfill gas collection and treatment market research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market conditions and trends. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecasted period.

Landfill gas collection and treatment involve the extraction of methane gas from landfills and its treatment to remove impurities. The increasing environmental concerns and rising government initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are driving the demand for landfill gas collection and treatment solutions. Moreover, the growing focus on renewable energy sources and the need to harness the potential of landfill gas as a renewable energy resource are also contributing to market growth.

One of the key trends in the landfill gas collection and treatment market is the adoption of advanced technologies and solutions for efficient gas collection and treatment. Landfill gas collection systems are incorporating advanced monitoring and control systems to optimize the gas extraction process and ensure maximum efficiency. Additionally, new treatment technologies are being developed to improve the quality of the extracted gas and increase its usability.

Geographically, the landfill gas collection and treatment market has a significant presence in North America, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Europe, the United States, and China. North America is expected to dominate the market due to stringent environmental regulations and the presence of well-established waste management infrastructure. The APAC region is witnessing rapid market growth due to increasing waste generation and the adoption of landfill gas collection and treatment solutions in countries like India and China. Europe is also a prominent market for landfill gas collection and treatment, driven by the implementation of strict environmental regulations and government support for renewable energy projects.

In summary, the landfill gas collection and treatment market is experiencing significant growth due to increasing environmental concerns, government initiatives, and the need for renewable energy sources. Advanced technologies and solutions are being adopted to improve the efficiency of gas collection and treatment. Geographically, North America, APAC, Europe, the United States, and China are key regions contributing to market growth. With a projected CAGR of % during the forecasted period, the market offers substantial opportunities for industry players.

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Market Segmentation:

This Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market is further classified into Overview, Deployment, Application, and Region.

In terms of Components, Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market is segmented into:

SCS EngineersGENERONWakeGOVGeosyntec Consultants, Inc.AquateraEDLGardner Denver

The Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

Control System DesignGas Monitoring

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The Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

Garbage FactoryFactoryOthers

In terms of Region, the Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market Players available by Region are:

North America: United States Canada Europe: Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific: China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America: Mexico Brazil Argentina Korea Colombia Middle East & Africa: Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Korea

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Key Drivers and Barriers in the Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Market

Some key drivers in the Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment market include increasing environmental concerns and regulations regarding greenhouse gas emissions, the potential for revenue generation through the sale of collected methane gas, and the adoption of renewable energy sources by governments and industries.

On the other hand, there are several barriers to the growth of this market, including high initial investment costs, technological challenges associated with gas collection and treatment methods, and the variability and unpredictability of landfill gas composition. Additionally, the availability of alternative energy sources and the lack of awareness about the benefits of landfill gas collection and treatment also pose challenges to the market's growth.

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Competitive Landscape

SCS Engineers is a prominent player in the landfill gas collection and treatment market. Established in 1970, the company provides comprehensive environmental consulting, engineering, and construction services. With a strong focus on sustainability and waste management, SCS Engineers has gained recognition for its expertise in designing and implementing landfill gas collection systems.

Over the years, SCS Engineers has witnessed substantial market growth due to increasing awareness regarding the potential of landfill gas as a renewable energy source. The company's innovative solutions, such as the use of advanced gas collection and treatment technologies, have contributed to its success. They have successfully completed numerous projects across the globe, helping landfill owners and operators mitigate environmental risks while also generating revenue through the extraction and treatment of landfill gas.

GENERON is another key player in the landfill gas collection and treatment market. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing gas separation solutions, including membrane systems and nitrogen generators. GENERON's expertise lies in providing efficient and reliable gas treatment technologies for various applications, including landfill gas collection.

Their market growth has been driven by the rising demand for clean energy sources and the need to address environmental concerns related to landfill gas emissions. GENERON's state-of-the-art systems offer cost-effective and sustainable solutions for collecting, purifying, and treating landfill gas, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

In terms of market size, the landfill gas collection and treatment market was valued at approximately $851 million in 2020 and is expected to reach $ billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of around % during the forecast period (2021-2027). This growth is attributed to increasing environmental regulations, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the rising demand for renewable energy sources.

Regarding sales revenue, SCS Engineers reported annual sales of approximately $450 million in 2020, reflecting its strong market presence and revenue growth. However, specific sales revenue data for other companies like GENERON, WakeGOV, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., Aquatera, EDL, and Gardner Denver are not available publicly.

Overall, the landfill gas collection and treatment market is witnessing significant growth, driven by the increasing focus on renewable energy and environmental sustainability. Companies like SCS Engineers and GENERON play a crucial role in providing innovative solutions that help landfill operators extract, treat, and utilize landfill gas while minimizing its environmental impact.

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