Analyzing Soft Starter Market Dynamics and Growth Drivers and forecasted for period from 2024 to 2031

Fran prichey
8 min readMay 2, 2024

The "Soft Starter Market" is focused on controlling cost, and improving efficiency. Moreover, the reports offer both the demand and supply aspects of the market. The Soft Starter market is expected to grow annually by 15.1% (CAGR 2024 - 2031).

This entire report is of 109 pages.

Soft Starter Introduction and its Market Analysis

The global soft starter market is expected to witness significant growth driven by increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions across industries. Soft starters are devices used to control the acceleration of electric motors, reducing mechanical stress and extending motor life. Major factors driving revenue growth in the market include rising industrial automation, emphasis on energy conservation, and government initiatives promoting sustainable practices. Companies such as ABB, Schneider Electric, and Siemens are key players in the market offering advanced soft starter solutions. The report indicates a promising outlook for the soft starter market with recommendations for companies to innovate and expand their product portfolios to capitalize on the growing demand.

The global soft starter market is expected to witness significant growth driven by increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions across industries. Soft starters are devices used to control the acceleration of electric motors, reducing mechanical stress and extending motor life. Major factors driving revenue growth in the market include rising industrial automation, emphasis on energy conservation, and government initiatives promoting sustainable practices. Companies such as ABB, Schneider Electric, and Siemens are key players in the market offering advanced soft starter solutions. The report indicates a promising outlook for the soft starter market with recommendations for companies to innovate and expand their product portfolios to capitalize on the growing demand.

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The global Soft Starter market is segmented into three types - Mechanical, Electronic, and Mixed Type. These starters find applications in various industries such as compressors, conveyors, fans, and pumps. The demand for Soft Starters is on the rise due to their ability to reduce mechanical strain and improve efficiency in equipment operation.

Regulatory and legal factors specific to the Soft Starter market include compliance with safety standards, energy efficiency regulations, and environmental standards. Manufacturers are required to meet stringent requirements to ensure product quality and safety.

Furthermore, market conditions are influenced by government policies, trade regulations, and industry guidelines. Companies operating in the Soft Starter market must stay updated on legal requirements to avoid fines and penalties. Overall, the Soft Starter market continues to thrive with advancements in technology and increasing awareness about energy conservation and equipment efficiency.

The global Soft Starter market is segmented into three types - Mechanical, Electronic, and Mixed Type. These starters find applications in various industries such as compressors, conveyors, fans, and pumps. The demand for Soft Starters is on the rise due to their ability to reduce mechanical strain and improve efficiency in equipment operation.

Regulatory and legal factors specific to the Soft Starter market include compliance with safety standards, energy efficiency regulations, and environmental standards. Manufacturers are required to meet stringent requirements to ensure product quality and safety.

Furthermore, market conditions are influenced by government policies, trade regulations, and industry guidelines. Companies operating in the Soft Starter market must stay updated on legal requirements to avoid fines and penalties. Overall, the Soft Starter market continues to thrive with advancements in technology and increasing awareness about energy conservation and equipment efficiency.

Top Featured Companies Dominating the Global Soft Starter Market

The soft starter market is highly competitive with several key players dominating the industry. Some of the prominent companies operating in the soft starter market include ABB, Schneider Electric, WEG, Eaton, Danfoss, Power Electronics, Siemens, and Franklin Control Systems.

ABB is a leading player in the soft starter market, offering a wide range of products and solutions for motor starting applications. Schneider Electric also holds a significant market share with its innovative soft starter offerings. WEG is known for its high-quality and reliable soft starters, while Eaton is recognized for its advanced technologies and efficient products. Danfoss, Power Electronics, Siemens, and Franklin Control Systems are also major players in the industry, catering to the diverse needs of customers.

These companies utilize the soft starter market to provide energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions for motor starting applications across various industries. They help grow the soft starter market by developing advanced technologies, offering customized solutions, and expanding their global presence.

In terms of sales revenue, ABB reported a revenue of $ billion in 2020, while Schneider Electric's revenue was $ billion. WEG's revenue was $ billion, and Eaton reported revenue of $ billion. These figures demonstrate the significant market presence and financial strength of these companies in the soft starter market.

The soft starter market is highly competitive with several key players dominating the industry. Some of the prominent companies operating in the soft starter market include ABB, Schneider Electric, WEG, Eaton, Danfoss, Power Electronics, Siemens, and Franklin Control Systems.

ABB is a leading player in the soft starter market, offering a wide range of products and solutions for motor starting applications. Schneider Electric also holds a significant market share with its innovative soft starter offerings. WEG is known for its high-quality and reliable soft starters, while Eaton is recognized for its advanced technologies and efficient products. Danfoss, Power Electronics, Siemens, and Franklin Control Systems are also major players in the industry, catering to the diverse needs of customers.

These companies utilize the soft starter market to provide energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions for motor starting applications across various industries. They help grow the soft starter market by developing advanced technologies, offering customized solutions, and expanding their global presence.

In terms of sales revenue, ABB reported a revenue of $ billion in 2020, while Schneider Electric's revenue was $ billion. WEG's revenue was $ billion, and Eaton reported revenue of $ billion. These figures demonstrate the significant market presence and financial strength of these companies in the soft starter market.


• Schneider Electric


• Eaton

• Danfoss

• Power Electronics

• Siemens

• Franklin Control Systems

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Soft Starter Market Analysis, by Type:

• Mechanical

• Electronic

• Mixed Type

Soft starters come in three main types: mechanical, electronic, and mixed. Mechanical soft starters use a friction clutch or fluid coupling to gradually increase the motor speed. Electronic soft starters regulate the voltage and frequency supplied to the motor, resulting in a smooth start-up process. Mixed type soft starters combine aspects of both mechanical and electronic starters for optimal performance. These different types cater to diverse applications and industries, boosting the demand for soft starters in the market by providing efficient and reliable solutions for motor control and operation.

Soft starters come in three main types: mechanical, electronic, and mixed. Mechanical soft starters use a friction clutch or fluid coupling to gradually increase the motor speed. Electronic soft starters regulate the voltage and frequency supplied to the motor, resulting in a smooth start-up process. Mixed type soft starters combine aspects of both mechanical and electronic starters for optimal performance. These different types cater to diverse applications and industries, boosting the demand for soft starters in the market by providing efficient and reliable solutions for motor control and operation.

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Soft Starter Market Analysis, by Application:

• Compressors

• Conveyors

• Fans

• Pumps

Soft starters are commonly used in various industrial applications such as compressors, conveyors, fans, and pumps. In these applications, soft starters are used to gradually ramp up the voltage and current to the motor, reducing stress and wear on the equipment. This helps to extend the lifespan of the motor and equipment while also providing smoother acceleration and deceleration. Among these applications, the fastest growing segment in terms of revenue is pumps, as soft starters are increasingly being used to optimize energy consumption and reduce maintenance costs in pump systems across industries such as water treatment, agriculture, and manufacturing.

Soft starters are commonly used in various industrial applications such as compressors, conveyors, fans, and pumps. In these applications, soft starters are used to gradually ramp up the voltage and current to the motor, reducing stress and wear on the equipment. This helps to extend the lifespan of the motor and equipment while also providing smoother acceleration and deceleration. Among these applications, the fastest growing segment in terms of revenue is pumps, as soft starters are increasingly being used to optimize energy consumption and reduce maintenance costs in pump systems across industries such as water treatment, agriculture, and manufacturing.

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Soft Starter Industry Growth Analysis, by Geography:

North America:

• United States

• Canada


• Germany

• France

• U.K.

• Italy

• Russia


• China

• Japan

• South Korea

• India

• Australia

• China Taiwan

• Indonesia

• Thailand

• Malaysia

Latin America:

• Mexico

• Brazil

• Argentina Korea

• Colombia

Middle East & Africa:

• Turkey

• Saudi

• Arabia


• Korea

The soft starter market is expected to witness significant growth in the regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America, particularly the United States and Canada, is expected to dominate the market due to the increasing adoption of advanced technologies in industries such as oil & gas, water & wastewater, and mining. Europe, led by countries like Germany, France, and the ., is expected to hold a substantial market share as well. In Asia-Pacific, China, Japan, and India are expected to drive market growth with expanding industrial sectors. Latin America and Middle East & Africa are also expected to witness growth in the soft starter market, with countries like Mexico, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and UAE playing key roles. The market share percent valuation is projected to vary across regions, with North America and Europe holding a significant portion of the market share, followed by Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

The soft starter market is expected to witness significant growth in the regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America, particularly the United States and Canada, is expected to dominate the market due to the increasing adoption of advanced technologies in industries such as oil & gas, water & wastewater, and mining. Europe, led by countries like Germany, France, and the ., is expected to hold a substantial market share as well. In Asia-Pacific, China, Japan, and India are expected to drive market growth with expanding industrial sectors. Latin America and Middle East & Africa are also expected to witness growth in the soft starter market, with countries like Mexico, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and UAE playing key roles. The market share percent valuation is projected to vary across regions, with North America and Europe holding a significant portion of the market share, followed by Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

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