An approach to the Internet of things technology

Francine Berano
4 min readSep 19, 2019


Have you ever paid attention that the influx of a variety of technologies is taking place rapidly in recent years?

We inhabit a new technical era with the number of scientific achievements announced everyday. It has been a long time since Internet has changed our lifestyles considerably. Meanwhile, the penetration of smart devices has increased to the extant that surviving without them is impossible. Due to this reason Internet technology surpass and leads to the appearance of Internet of things technology. It is one of the most significant processes of innovation in the information technology world.

What is IOT, and how does it work?

The idea of the Internet of things originates from the sensors built in devices such as coffee makers, washing machines as well as wearable devices like watches, headphones, even gloves, and sunglasses. Imagine that living in a sensible, smart universe with such things sounds highly amusing and convenient. There will be less pressure on people to manage and take over their responsibilities, tasks, appointments, etc. these things include only a small number of usages of this achievement. We will go through it more in detail.

These mentioned devices can connect to the internet via a Network interface card to get their essential information and share with other devices on the network.

Out standing IOT usages

It has made major changes in branches such as industry, energy, transportation, healthcare, and security. Now, I am going to hint some of the tangible examples below.

· Smart Homes

You are at home and want to make a cup of coffee the easiest way for that is getting the help of your mobile phone or tablet to serve you with your demand, infact there is an application on the wife-enabled smart coffee maker which lets you change the setting and monitor status and get notifications on your cellphone. Also, there is a way of controlling your Electric system includes air conditioner, lights, TV, by the use of this technology.

· Smart Schools

In this digital generation, IOT has made us another noticeable shift to education field to motivates and attract students attention towards the lesson much better than the past. Now our mission is to make the student aware of the benefits of the Internet of things approach in schools. Smart schools solution comes from saving more power using Bluetooth low energy instead of wi-fi energy. SMART boards are the productivity of this innovation is the same as other whiteboard but with a little difference in connecting to a computer allowing for video playback, slideshows, etc.

· Smart city

It is a beneficiary event which takes us one step ahead. Having a high quality and efficiency of urban Services is a sign of growth in cut downing the costs and resources consumption.

Collecting and integrating information from different sensors and finding locations in return as well as providing three dimensional pictures via RFID sensors seems intriguing and advancing.

Some of the applications listed in the Smart City sphere are Smart lighting, traffic control, safe city, smart irrigation so on and so forth.

· Mediaca and healthcare

Thanks to the emergence of this life-changing advanced movement to health care sphere, which causes Remote patient monitoring for those who want to take advantage of monitoring patient outside of clinics. The excellent point is that these health monitoring devices can transmit blood pressure and heart rate known as a Remote Health Monitoring for minimizing health care delivery costs also for facilitating the access to patient’s condition can be the best choice.

According to internetofthingsagenda “The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.”

Considering all things together we are entering in a new digital globe of IOT, combined with internet technology without which we can no longer continue. By 2020 every small action will be done via the internet, So it is necessary to learn and get on with modern technologies specially IOT very well.



Francine Berano

I love blogging that’s why I am a blogger.👌🏻🌟 Freelancing at Inosocial company.