Prayer of Personal Prophetic Declaration for Financial Breakthrough And Glory


Prophetic Declaration for Financial Breakthrough

The Holy Bible is rich with God’s promises and intent on worldly possessions and riches. Many specific areas of the Holy Bible do provide a clear picture of how our almighty Lord wishes us to pray regarding financial blessings. We find within the book of Philippians where God’s promise of riches is very clear and rather explicit, in Philippians we see, “And this same God, who takes care of me, will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

The verses we find in the Holy Bible regarding the financial blessings are not simply about material wealth and well-being, rather God conveys his plans and expectations from us to act in accordance with God’s will and make good use of whatever gifts we are showered with. Prayer declarations become very important in this aspect as God demands unwavering trust and loyalty for us to be showered with infinite blessings. It serves as a reminder for mankind to not forget God’s overflowing love and concern for us.

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Tap Into Heaven’s Riches

1. From — Malachi 3:10

In the verse from Malachi our father in heaven is calling upon all his children to be part of his plans for us. As we read along the verse we see, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this”. Here our almighty father is putting our extent of trust in him to challenge. Like Abraham he expects each and every one of us to contribute what we presume to be our wealth. Those who trust in God truly realize that God does not need anything from us and it is the gesture of loving God more than anything and everything else that God demands from us.

To be showered with the riches of God, one must first acknowledge his power, without such faith in our heavenly father we would fail in realizing God’s power to provide and safeguard us. God says, “See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” This essentially points out our incapability in stark contrast and proves why our offerings have more to do with faith than logic. The love for God and the desire for him should stand tall above everything else, when nothing else matters to us more than our creator we are clearly aligned on the path of faith and that in itself will be our daily declaration for success.

God challenges us to prove who or what really matters to us the most and he expects us to be obedient and seek the word of the Lord and not the ways of the world.

2. From — 3 John 1:2

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Our father in heaven is actually making St. John an instrument to voice his infinite love for us. The verse is mirroring God’s heart which is filled with compassion and grace for his creation. However, this verse goes far beyond expressing God’s love and deals with how God almighty expects us to function in the prosperity he so generously gave us.

Our father watches over us to keep us in good health and prosperity, but beyond that our father in heaven is concerned for our soul’s well being. As he is the shepherd who seeks the lost souls, as he is the one who died for our sins, our soul matters to him more than our pleasures. God has plans for us and he watches over us to ensure that we do not distance ourselves from him because of the prosperity we achieved in his grace.

God does not seek success, he is not concerned with worldly achievements, our heavenly father waits for us in heaven and he is seeking for us to realize this. Our soul is what he desires, a soul that yearns for the ways of the Lord. Like Jesus Christ our souls should seek those who are in need of our God. Our souls must be the light that guides the lost lambs back to God’s bosom. This requires us to commit to our Lord almighty without doubts or questions as his ways are mysterious and beyond the comprehension of human logic.

3. From — Luke 6:38

In the Gospel written by Saint Luke, chapter 6, verse 38, we see that give and you will receive, and with what you measure, you will receive. This chapter tells us how to use the blessings God has given us in this verse.

God wants us not to indulge in the worldly pleasures and therefore reminds us that whatever comforts and blessings are given by God are to be shared with everyone. God demands from us an act of selfless love which reflects our heavenly father’s image in us. It further emphasizes on the importance our God sheds on having the right priorities of virtues.

This becomes very important when we are making prayer declarations for financial blessings. God will shower us with blessings that are beyond our comprehension but reminds us not to delve in the pleasures of those blessings. God desires for us to share those blessings and act on behalf of him and live a life that showcases the ways of our loving God.

By showing the world what God can do for it we glorify our creator and carry the Lord’s word and love across the world.

4. From — Genesis 22:17–18

Everything mentioned in Genesis 22, verses 17 to 18 is of a covenant established by God with Abraham. Genesis 22 verses 17 to 18 teaches us of powerful assurances God gives us through the power of prophetic prayer declarations.

Whomever God blesses, they will be blessed beyond expectations. The divine verses from Genesis shall not be confused with God simply multiplying us in population, this verse points to the divine beauty of bible text where God states with authority that whoever walks in the path declared by God will receive an infinite shower of blessings in different forms.

Through the mystic verses of the book of Genesis, we see many things that seem impossible in a human life and our almighty God is making us think differently in this one chapter. We must understand what God is going to give us and we must still consider our love for God above all blessings, have an unwavering faith and obedience to God, then the blessings that God gives us will have no limits.

5. From — 2 Corinthians 8:9

In the profound message of 2 Corinthians 8:9, the Apostle Paul unveils a transformative truth that encapsulates the essence of the Gospel. He declares, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake, he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

This Bible ve­rse about Jesus Christ sharing his grace loudly re­minds us how important prayer and prayer declaration is. When we say praye­rs asking for help and success each day, we­ are calling upon the Lord to remember us and to always remember his authority and grace­. Our faith can change­ things with powerful prophetic prayer declarations­, however, our hearts must align with the Lord’s grace and his infinite wisdom should be the force that drives us with such blessings on our hand.

Even though this verse serves aa a prayer for financial blessing, our father in heaven is reacquainting us with Jesus Christ. Though Jesus was the living son of God he was willing to sacrifice his life, to suffer for our sins. Our redemption was the fruit of his sacrifice and our father wants all of us to remember the sacrifice on the cross which gives meaning to our very existence.

Change your life through our prophetic prayers and declarations — read our recent article on biblical insights and practical steps.

Read: Prophetic Prayers and Declarations Revealed



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