The Power of Video Marketing: Unlocking the Digital Marketing Mix

Francisco A. Kemeny
2 min readJan 10, 2023
Prompt: user watching youtube happy

It’s no secret that video marketing has become an integral part of the modern digital marketing mix. With the ubiquity of video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook, video has become an important part of how businesses and organizations reach their audiences. Video marketing allows organizations to bring their brand and message to life and engage with their audiences in a way that static text or images can’t do.

But what is it about video that makes it so powerful? There are a few key reasons why video marketing is so effective in the digital marketing mix:

  1. Videos are Engaging
  2. Videos are Easy to Share
  3. Videos are Memorable
  4. Videos are Cost Effective

Video offers a unique and engaging way to deliver a message. Studies have shown that videos can increase engagement with a message by up to 10 times compared to static content. This means that videos can effectively capture viewers' attention and draw them into what’s being said.

Videos are also highly shareable. With the click of a button, a video can be shared with friends and followers, which opens up the potential for it to be seen by a much larger audience than traditional marketing methods. This means that videos can reach…



Francisco A. Kemeny

Sharing my 20 years of experience in digital marketing. I write twice a day about Digital Marketing and Agency/Consulting Services.