Man &

Man and Comet

Francis Jeremiah Sharon
1 min read1 day ago
Man and Comet
Photo by Alex Moliski on Unsplash

A whisper in the starlit night,
A fiery streak, a dazzling light.
A comet blazed, a celestial grace,
Across the sky, a fleeting chase.

He watched, enthralled, his heart took flight,
A beauty born from cosmic might.
Her tail a brushstroke, sweeping wide,
A brief dance, a love untried.

He rushed inside, for telescope’s gaze,
To capture her in starlit maze.
But turning back, his breath did catch,
The comet gone, a sudden snatch.

The sky, now empty, cold and vast,
A hint of her beauty, past.
A transient love, a burning flame,
A memory etched, a whispered name.

He stood alone, beneath the stars,
And made a wish, with silent scars.
To see her dance, in starry grace,
To feel again, that fleeting embrace.

For in that comet’s fiery flight,
He saw a love, both pure and bright.
A lady fair, once seen, then gone,
A cosmic relic, carried on.

