Angelfish Swimming Sideways — What Should I Do?

Francis W Bangayan
12 min readJul 1, 2022


Angelfish Swimming Sideways - What Should I Do?

Angelfish Swimming Sideways — What Should I Do?

One of my angelfish is swimming sideways, and I am not sure why. I got it from a breeder. The other seems fine. I can see no obvious problems, and the colors are good. What should I do? How do I treat an angelfish with a swimming bladder disorder? I have a few ideas for you. Please read on to learn more! We hope you find the information useful! And remember, it is never too late to learn about your fish!

How do you treat swim bladder in angelfish

If your angelfish are swimming sideways, you must first diagnose the problem. While some fish can eat normally while suffering from swim bladder problems, others will lose their appetite. Most of the time, this is caused by constipation or other physical problems. However, many fish retain their appetite despite having this disorder. The main problem with swim bladder is that it interferes with the ability of your fish to feed. The bottom of the tank is likely to be their worst place, which means that they may be starving and will eventually die. This condition can be treated by hand-feeding your fish as often as possible.

Angelfish suffering from swim bladder disease often exhibit erratic swimming patterns and retract a fin. This changes the stability and agility of the fish, which makes them more vulnerable to disease. This disease is common in angelfish, and it can lead to your fish sinking or floating in the water. Although the exact causes of swim bladder disease are unclear, it is associated with digestive problems and is most commonly caused by gastrointestinal parasites.

How can you tell if an angelfish is stressed

A stressed angelfish may be swimming sideways and clamping its fins, a sign of disease. If you see a white cotton-like substance on the angelfish’s body, it may also be suffering from a fungal infection. If you see any of these symptoms in your angelfish, the best way to treat it is to treat the cause of the problem. Other factors that cause angelfish to be stressed include overcrowding, bad water conditions, and overactivity in their tank. Ultimately, too much stress may cause your fish to die.

As mentioned above, angelfish need food to survive. You should feed them at least two or three times a day. Angelfish do not survive without food for more than three days. New angelfish may skip the first meal or two because they are acclimatizing to their new home. If your fish refuses to eat, assess the situation right away. If it remains hungry for more than three days, it may be a sign of stress.

Why is my angelfish swimming sideways

If you’ve noticed that your angelfish is swimming sideways, you may be wondering what’s wrong. The cause of swim bladder disease is not always as obvious as it sounds, but it can be difficult to treat and can lead to your fish being unhealthy, having a low quality of life, and even dying! The signs of swim bladder disease include swimming sideways and erratically, as well as distended belly and curved back. In order to treat the problem, you should visit a vet, who can properly diagnose your angelfish and suggest the appropriate treatment.

A swimmer’s body is much like a diver’s, and the angelfish’s swim bladder is a specialized organ next to its stomach. The swim bladder contains various gasses that help the fish maintain its neutral buoyancy at desired depths. It’s a pneumatic duct that passes air to the swim bladder. The swim bladder also regulates the water’s pH level, making it a good way to treat swim bladder disease.

How to treat swimming bladder disorder Angelfish

Swim bladder disease can be caused by a number of factors, including digestive problems and overfeeding. To treat this disorder, you must first check the water temperature and increase it if possible. You should not feed the fish for three days and raise the water temperature to 78–80 degrees Fahrenheit. On the fourth day, you can feed your fish cooked peas. Make sure that you maintain a temperature of 78–80 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the treatment. Your veterinarian may also recommend removing air from the swimming bladder until it achieves neutral buoyancy.

A foreign structure can cause impacted swim bladder. Try not to tie any foreign structures to your angelfish because they can negatively affect the delicate skin and mucus production. Also, prevention is better than cure. A clean water environment, proper food, and regular water changes are some ways to prevent swimming bladder disorder in angelfish. You can also test water parameters and change water levels to find out the cause of this problem.

Symptoms of Swim Bladder Disorder

Angelfish suffering from swim bladder disorder will often display distended abdomen and edema. This can be caused by a variety of causes, including poor water quality, infection with bacteria, or parasites. Other causes of distended stomach are overeating or gulping air while feeding. In rare cases, the swim bladder may be affected by an aggressive fish, an excessive amount of food, or a deformity.

Aside from a malfunctioning swim bladder, the fish may also be experiencing digestive issues and an enlarged stomach. In these cases, the fish should not be fed for three days and their water temperature should be raised to 78–80 degrees Fahrenheit. If these measures don’t seem to help your fish, you can always try feeding them a softer diet that sinks. However, you should be aware that feeding your fish may not be sufficient and should be monitored on a weekly basis.

Depending on the severity of the swim bladder disorder, the fish may float upside-down or sink to the bottom of the tank. While many of these symptoms are not severe, they may be enough to cause concern. Symptoms of swim bladder disorder in angelfish swimming sideways

Prevention of Swim Bladder Disorder

The first step in the prevention of swim bladder disorder is to avoid using balls-like fish. While ball-like fish like fancy goldfish are fun to watch, they can also contribute to the disorder. These fish often experience constipation and should not be kept by people who are prone to this condition. However, it is not always possible to identify swim bladder disease in time. So, in order to prevent the condition, try to use an angelfish tank that is designed to accommodate a variety of food types.

Angelfish that have gastrointestinal parasites will exhibit erratic swimming patterns and may even retract their fin. In addition to affecting their agility and stability, this condition can cause organ enlargement and even bloating. Angelfish with swim bladder disorder are likely to float sideways, and it is very important to determine the cause. However, there are several methods to help prevent the condition and cure it in a natural way.

What is a swim bladder

Angelfish have a special organ located right next to their stomach that holds different gases to maintain neutral buoyancy at a desired depth. This organ, called the swim bladder, can be thought of as the aquatic counterpart of a diver’s buoyancy compensation device. Air passes through a pneumatic duct into the swim bladder. If this organ is not functioning properly, your angelfish will have trouble swimming straight.

In addition to the physical signs, swim bladder disease can lead to other serious health problems in the fish, including breathing difficulties and the inability to feed. Fortunately, swim bladder disease can be treated using simple methods, such as feeding cooked peas or adjusting aquarium parameters. Depending on the cause, treatment options can range from diet changes to medications. The first line of treatment involves correcting the problem and making the tank as healthy as possible.

A displaced swim bladder may also be a symptom of positive buoyancy disorder, which causes air to be displaced off center. As a result, fish will often swim sideways. Displaced swim bladders typically occur in the posterior chamber, as opposed to the anterior chamber. Often, the cause of displaced swim bladders is a space-occupying lesion such as a tumor or polycystic kidney disease, although it is a normal variation in some fish.

How can I improve water quality

There are several ways to improve the water quality of your angelfish aquarium, and the most direct method is a regular water change. You can also invest in the best salt mixes or protein skimmer. Here are some tips:

Angelfish with gastrointestinal parasites often swim in erratic patterns. They may retract one fin, which greatly affects their agility and stability in the water. Angelfish suffering from swim bladder disease may also exhibit other symptoms such as a curved back or distended belly. Ultimately, it’s best to have a vet diagnose the condition. It may be a result of a chemical imbalance in the water, or a bacterial infection in the fish’s stomach.

Angelfish Swimming Sideways

angelfish swimming sideways

Angelfish swimming sideways might be a sign that they’re experiencing swim bladder disease. There are several possible causes, including gastrointestinal parasites. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes and preventive measures. You can also learn how to spot angelfish that swim sideways. Listed below are some possible causes of swim bladder disease. These can be prevented with the help of a good food source. However, if your angelfish is already suffering from swim bladder disease, you should consult your veterinarian to determine whether it’s possible.

How can I prevent swimming bladder disease

Angelfish can suffer from swimming bladder disease if they are exposed to high water temperatures. This condition is also known as osmotic dilatation of the bladder, and a veterinarian can help you with proper treatment. Antibiotics are the usual treatment, but the best way to prevent this condition is through proper water care. Ensure your angelfish’s tank is clean and temperature controlled, and make sure your fish gets plenty of fresh water.

If your angelfish begins to suffer from swim bladder disease, it will be difficult for it to maintain a proper balance. It may be forced to sink to the bottom of the tank or float to the surface. Symptoms of this disorder include erratically swimming, distended belly, and curved back. If you suspect that your angelfish has swim bladder disease, see a vet to determine the cause.

Aside from correct water temperature, you should also make sure your angelfish is fed the proper foods. Avoid feeding your fish light foods that expand in the digestive tract and block the pneumatic duct that connects the swim bladder to the alimentary canal. A diet high in quality floating foods will help prevent swim bladder disease. For best results, use a test kit on amazon. You may also want to try a cooked pea.

What is Swim Bladder Disease

If you notice your angelfish floating or swimming upside down, this is an indication that it has swim bladder disease. Treatment for this condition depends on the underlying cause of the problem. Some of the common causes are injuries, bacterial infection, and constipation. Swim bladder disease can also be caused by swallowing too much air. Ultimately, it can be fatal. However, if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, contact your local veterinarian.

Once the swim bladder malfunctions, a fish can lose its ability to swim. This condition causes the fish to float uncontrollably and requires special treatment. Although swim bladder disease in angelfish is a life-threatening condition, the symptoms can often be seen in very young fish. Symptoms of swim bladder disease may include swelling of the kidneys or sideways movement of the fish. Once diagnosed, an exotic veterinarian can prescribe a treatment.

One of the most common symptoms of swim bladder disease is impaired buoyancy. This can lead to an unhealthy fish. They may float upside down in the aquarium or lay sideways on the bottom. This can lead to panic among owners. The best way to diagnose swim bladder disease is to consult your vet. A veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and help you decide on the best course of treatment. If your fish is exhibiting these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Causes of swimming bladder disease

Most commonly, an Angelfish that is swimming sideways has a swim bladder disease. While some types of fish can control buoyancy by changing the gas in their swim bladders, angelfish have fixed amounts of gas in their swim bladders. The amount of gas in the swim bladder can only change when a disease forces the animal to do so. Depending on the species, the swim bladder is usually found in a cavity under the spine or just above the belly. But this is not the only cause of angelfish swimming sideways. A swim bladder is also found in some other species of fish, including bettas and goldfish. Angelfish have a swim bladder in their body along the lateral line, starting shortly behind the eye.

Angelfish with swim bladder disease have a tendency to retract their fins while swimming. This may be caused by gastrointestinal parasites, which can impair the fish’s ability to stay afloat. Other possible causes include gastrointestinal parasites, bacterial infections, or swim bladder disease. If the condition is temporary, angelfish should return to normal swimming within a few days. A fish with swim bladder disease may also show signs of bloating and loss of agility.

Can Gastrointestinal Parasites Cause swim sideways

There are many causes of angelfish swimming sideways, but the most common is swim bladder disease. Infected angelfish will retract a single fin, which affects their agility and stability in the water. In addition, swimmers may develop a pronounced sideward motion, affecting their coloration and pattern of swimming. While the exact cause of swim bladder disease is unknown, it is associated with digestive complications.

This type of disease is typically caused by intestinal parasites or microorganisms in the fish. Angelfish may also swim sideways as a result of overeating or gastric distress. Overfeeding, fast-feeding, and gulping air during feeding can also cause swimmer’s disease. Regardless of the cause, proper diet and tank parameters are key to preventing swim bladder disease.

The primary cause of swimmer’s bladder disease is overfeeding. Overfeeding causes problems in all fish, but the diet of angelfish should be made from a mix of plant and animal matter. Avoid freeze-dried foods, as they tend to expand in water and can cause swollen intestines. Another cause is poor water quality. Changing the pH level and nutrient levels in the tank can disrupt the aquatic environment and stress the fish.

Bacterial Infections Cause Swim Bladder Disease

Angelfish are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. If you notice that one of your angelfish is suffering from swim bladder disease, you should take action right away to stop the spread of the infection. Symptoms of swim bladder disease include decreased appetite, collapsed fins, and increased production of slime. They may also point their noses upwards and show other symptoms. If you do not act immediately, the condition can cause the fish to die.

A fish with swim bladder disease is unable to swim normally and will bob back and forth. They may also labor to stay in position. One of my fish developed this condition and stopped nesting on leather coral. It swam sideways and bobbed back and forth. It was very scary. Fortunately, the bacterial infection did not kill my angelfish. However, I would advise against the use of antibiotics for my angelfish.

Foul water quality

If you have noticed your angelfish swimming sideways in your tank, there are several possible causes. Firstly, your angelfish might be suffering from poor water quality. Water with low pH levels is not good for the fish. This can cause various problems and may even kill your fish. To find out if your angelfish are suffering from this problem, test the water in your tank regularly with an API Water Test Kit. This kit measures ammonia, nitrites, and pH levels and will last for eight hundred measurements.

Secondly, your angelfish may be suffering from swim bladder disease, a condition that results from an inability to breathe. In this case, they will rise to the top of the tank to catch the oxygen. To help the fish recover, you should stop feeding them for three days and treat the entire tank. If they are already in distress, feed them peeled peas to lubricate their digestive tract and increase their metabolism. If the condition worsens, consult a vet for stronger medicines.

Digestive complications

Angelfish suffering from poor digestion can have a belly swollen from back-up of the intestines. The fish will not eat for a long time if they are constipated and this can lead to death if left untreated. A healthy diet consisting of both animal and plant matter is important for a vibrantly colored angelfish. To treat digestive problems in your angelfish, soak their food in glycerol or castor oil. Mash up peas can also act as laxatives.

Symptoms of this disease can include an enlarged belly, bulging eyes, and scales that look like they will pop off. High nitrate levels and bacterial infections may be the cause. To prevent this disease from progressing to more severe forms, perform regular water changes. Treatment can help the fish regain its agility and stability in the water. Ultimately, however, the best treatment for your fish depends on the severity of the condition.

